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2 additives per garden with winter Garlic increase the yield by 20-30%. Checked

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2 additives per garden with winter Garlic increase the yield by 20-30%. I checked - any of them works!

Do you want to grow more garlic with the same inputs? Then a fiery salute, comrade vegetable grower! I congratulate you on the beginning of the garlic passions and I hasten to put on the agenda 2-super supplements that the garden asks for, waiting for its cloves. I hope I am not late.

How to add an additive to a garlic bed at the end of September

I will take the liberty of reminding you that it is customary to prepare a garden for garlic in advance. This is not the invention of those who are bored at the dacha: the earth must be given time to settle. So here it is:

I planted my first garlic when I was 15
I planted my first garlic when I was 15
I planted my first garlic when I was 15

If you have already prepared the bed, but did not bring in anything, I take off my hat for diligence, I advise you to scatter the additive on the ground and loosen it well.

  • If you hesitated, start quickly and add one of the additives during the final digging "to the finishing". When the weeds have already been eliminated and all that remains is to build an attractive, high embankment.
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Note to a friend: The optimal height of the garlic bed is 20 cm. No, not too much! In the spring it will be grounded anyway.

Additive # 1: Good old wood ash

"Knowledgeable" summer residents powder the beds at the beginning of the season
"Knowledgeable" summer residents powder the beds at the beginning of the season

Rumor has it that wood ash is garlic's favorite fertilizer. I would not say so (it is not for nothing that the article contains point number 2), but the fact remains: ash in the garden is an effective and affordable fertilizer.

But only in one case - if your, comrade, garden has acidic soil. If there are doubts about the pH of the earth, I strongly advise you to buy litmus strips once, and not calculate it on an intuitive level. On neutral or, God forgive me, alkaline soils wood ash will hurt! In the affairs of gardeners, you should never act thoughtlessly.

Likes slightly acidic: optimal pH for garlic = 6
Likes slightly acidic: optimal pH for garlic = 6

If you, like me, are a "happy" owner of sour beds, then you are welcome. Wood ash contains both macronutrients and microelements in an easily digestible form. It makes no sense to list them all here - the sheet will turn out to be huge.

I will only note the high% content of calcium and potassium. Very tasty!

It turns out that potato tops can be used wisely. Take note!
It turns out that potato tops can be used wisely. Take note!

The fact that ash is also available cannot be ignored. Just please follow the fire safety rules. And measure: for 1 sq. Take a meter of garlic plantation no more than 120 g. These are 2 of my favorite faceted glasses. If you really want to - then you can with a slide.

Additive number 2: Flour, which for some reason no one adds

If every first heard about the benefits of wood ash for garlic, then a rare gardener knows about dolomite flour. It's a shame, comrades: it has significant advantages. Dolomite flour has only 1 drawback - you have to buy it. And it costs 4 kg in the bourgeois "Leroy" as much as 57 rubles!

Like ash, only flour
Like ash, only flour

Dolomite flour, like wood ash, is a typical deoxidizer and organic fertilizer. But! It also has a high content of magnesium, which (21%):

  • Helper of plants in resisting fungi - more than relevant for garlic;
  • Improves the absorption of macronutrients - primarily phosphorus. The trick is that in early spring, garlic cannot absorb it from the garden in sufficient quantities, because the ground temperature is too low. And it is magnesium that facilitates this process.

It is due to the magnesium content that I believe that dolomite flour is the best companion for garlic success.. The plant will grow and walk towards the harvest from the first days of spring, and will not wait until the soil warms up enough there.

Comrades! Get to work!
Comrades! Get to work!

I would give 57 rubles. Application rate - 500 g per 1 sq. m, which is equal to 3 incomplete glasses.

P.S. If the soil in the garden is neutral or alkaline, use compost or mineral fertilizers. But don't touch these, it will be worse

Are you going to plant winter garlic and was this article helpful? Press, comrade, "Thumbs up"!
Sincerely yours, cheerful garlic grower with a bag of dolomite Fyodor Tyapkin-Sklyankin.

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