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Why do residents of the Ural villages buy 3 liters of vinegar with the onset of the first cold weather? - personal experience of the reader

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I recently published an article on how to get rid of mice. And a guy wrote to me, told me his story about dog food, mice and vinegar. It so happened that in the village where his dacha is located, mice began to feel very free. But the residents were able to solve this problem.

I decided to share this story with you in the heading #reader_experiences I think that many will benefit from this experience.

Why do the inhabitants of the Ural villages buy 3 liters of vinegar with the onset of the first cold weather? - personal experience of the reader

The guy's name is Maxim. He lives in a city in the Urals, and from time to time they go to rest at the dacha in the village. Some time ago we rested there with friends on the weekend, had a lot of fun. They left in a hurry and left open dry dog ​​food in the house.

A couple of weeks later, with the onset of cold weather, a neighbor called Maxim, said that new tenants had appeared in the house, and he should come and figure it out. I also asked to buy vinegar - 6-8 liters. In the village, he says, is over.

Maxim grinned, thinking that the neighbors decided to do some spins in order to sell. Although to whom to sell them there. In the village, everyone has their own twists full. Nevermind.

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Maxim arrived at the dacha next weekend. When I entered the house I saw a terrible picture: the house was ruled by mice. Moreover, it was not one stray mouse that would hide when people appeared. There were about 10 of them. They happily finished off the dog food that was accidentally forgotten in the house. The mice felt so good that they didn't even run away. Maxim ran away from home.

Photos from the Internet
Photos from the Internet

Of course, he went straight to the neighbor's house, grabbing a package of vinegar. The neighbor said that with the onset of cold weather all the mice from the fields are trying to occupy vacant houses. Yes, they also settle in residential buildings, but they do not feel as free there as in empty ones.

It turns out that the Ural residents of this village every year, with the arrival of the first cold weather, treat the basements and the floor in the rooms with vinegar. Better vinegar essence. They just spray vinegar on the basement, on the floor, in the corners. The aroma, of course, is not very pleasant for a while. However, this smell scares off mice. And scares them away for a long time. For mice, the smell of vinegar is a kind of signal: look for other places, you can't live here!

Maxim sprinkled several bottles of vinegar around the house. It took 3 liters at a time. I never met mice again. But when he comes to the dacha, he always sprinkles vinegar in the basement and in the corners before leaving. For prevention. Just in case. Because the picture with a bunch of insolent mice around a bag of dog food is firmly stuck in my memory.

Here's another method for getting rid of mice. I have not personally tested it. But Maxim claims it works great.
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BUILDER'S BLOGNovember 4th

If you know proven ways to get rid of mice in the house - write in the comments! Let's be helpful to each other.

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