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The gate in the fence should only open inward

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When we made a fence, a gate and a wicket, the problem of where the wicket would open did not exist for us. It was perfectly obvious and logical - since the gate opens inward, it means that the gate must open outward.

This followed from the fact that it was impossible to open the gates outward - the car would have to be left with a trunk almost on the roadway in order to open the doors. And, therefore, the swing gates open into the courtyard, where there is enough space.

Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house
Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house
Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house

But, since we live in the Urals, where almost a meter layer of snow can pile up overnight, the gate must open in the other direction in order to be able to get out. If snow poured from the north, then through the gate, and if it poured from the south, then through the gate. This logic is quite obvious and there are no options. As the saying goes, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Of course, soon there were "experts" who began to ask why we hung the gate with hinges outward? Honestly, this moment does not bother me at all, because the hinges are the same color as the corrugated board on the gate - chocolate. And they don't stand out. Of course, they are a little darker, but not critical. After you explain to the clever guys what the matter is, they agree, pursing their lips, of course.

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Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house
Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house

But recently, a friend of his wife's came to us - an expert on all sorts of signs, Feng Shui, a lover of brownies and other nonsense. We treat her with humor, she is also a cheerful woman, so we discuss all things jokingly. But then she said that the gate was hung up incorrectly, it was necessary to open it inward, because the "Chi energy" enters the site through the gate. And here it comes out. He says that our Slavic ancestors always made a gate inside for this very reason, as they observed signs. We must not forget the traditions of our ancestors. Then I opened the gates that are hung inside and said: "Energy of Qi, walk to us through a wide gate, not through a narrow gate, welcome!"

The women burst into laughter, the atmosphere defused.

Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house
Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house

I consider all this nonsense with omens to be completely meaningless. If there are any energy flows, they will penetrate any door, even inside, even outside. And only loafers are ready to blame failures and lack of money on all sorts of feng shui and other esotericism.

And my wife, even more so, does not believe in all this, because she is Orthodox and she has one great answer for all the signs: "Superstition is a sin!" For which I love and respect her very much. All the ladies' nonsense does not linger in her head, because after a short thought, she cuts off everything unnecessary and leaves only a rational grain. I advise all ladies to do this and you will be happy.

Thus, the answer to the question of how to properly hang the wicket is only the way it suits you. If there is an opportunity to “open energy flows”, do it inward, but no - and it opens beautifully outward. But no one will squeeze out your gate, that is, it is safer.

And how is your gate hung - does it interfere with the flows, or not?

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