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In order for spathiphyllum to bloom in winter, it is enough to follow 4 simple rules. Works for me and my mother-in-law

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In order for spathiphyllum to bloom in winter, it is enough to follow 4 simple rules. Works for me and my mother-in-law

Do you want your spathiphyllum to bloom to everyone's envy in winter? Then a fiery salute, comrade bored indoor florist! Today on the agenda is a simple-minded plan that will significantly increase the chances for the winter bloom of "Women's Happiness"!

Invaluable knowledge was revealed to me in the course of long experiments and observations. He handed them over to a relative - he does not get tired of thanking and feeds them with pancakes. Therefore, I think we repeat the experience. But I cannot help but warn that it is possible to demand flowering from spathiphyllum only after you give good conditions for him: at least a pot in size, and not a bucket with a supply of garden soil, and watering needs.

For example, such pots for young spathiphyllum are big! Should take half less
For example, such pots for young spathiphyllum are big! Should take half less
For example, such pots for young spathiphyllum are big! Should take half less

Step 1: Arrange a bath for the spathiphyllum

A hot shower really brings plants to life. It activates metabolic processes that are responsible for overall development.

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Albeit a short-term, but a real temperature drop pushes the spathiphyllum to that very flowering. In the end, just washing off the dust from the leaves is already happiness for "Happiness",

  • The water should be very warm. But such that your hand can tolerate it.
  • Water spathiphyllum from a shower head until you get bored. I have enough for a maximum of 2-3 minutes.
  • Let the water drain.
  • Then put it where it is warm and there is no draft.
You can contrive and wash in the sink if the spathiphyllum is small
You can contrive and wash in the sink if the spathiphyllum is small

Spathiphyllum is shown a "hot" shower instead of watering. But you shouldn't abuse it either: 1-2 times a month will be enough. Otherwise, the moisture in the pot will become excessive on a permanent basis, which, without loosening additives to the ground, is a direct road to rotten roots.

Step 2: put the spathiphyllum in a bright place

This summer, spathiphyllum was afraid of direct sunlight. In winter, his place is on a bright windowsill. Comrade! If there is not enough light, there is no bloom. Feed at least!

An acquaintance generally hoisted her "Woman's Happiness" under the lamp. He shares the windowsill with strawberry seedlings (yes, she is a wonderful woman and sows strawberries, although I offer her varietal seedlings every year). But spathiphyllum is delighted with such an idea.

Step 3: feed

I have a bad habit: I feed all my flowers in winter. Of course, if they are not in a dormant period. Spathiphyllum - not found! And even more so the one from which they want to see flowering.

Therefore, if you have completed Step 2, start giving the "Women's Happiness" fertilizing "For blooming". Not peroxide, not a decoction of banana peel or potato scraps, but a real mineral fertilizer, where there is a lot of phosphorus and potassium.

Note to a friend: Spray the leaves with a fertilizer solution - the effect will come faster!

Step 4: water with warm water

As much as spathiphyllum loves moisture, it is just as afraid of being flooded
As much as spathiphyllum loves moisture, it is just as afraid of being flooded

I never would have thought, but the temperature of the water plays a big role. When you water it warm, at least a little higher than room temperature, the flowers appear more actively, and new leaves / shoots grow faster. But this, again, is exclusively my personal observation.

In a bright place, having undergone a hot shower and fed once a week, spathiphyllum produces buds 3-6 weeks after the start of the plan. You still have time to stimulate winter bloom - go for it!

Do you like Spathiphyllum and was this article helpful? Press, comrade, "Thumbs up"! Yours sincerely, Fyodor Tyapkin-Sklyankin with his Feminine happiness.

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