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My husband did not want to install a greenhouse, but I insisted. What came of it

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His main argument against the construction of a greenhouse on the site was: “Why is it needed in the middle lane, where is everything growing anyway? " and "Isn't that enough work for you?" I replied that it grows, but not always, and ripens late. And that our old greenhouse has completely collapsed, I even have nowhere to grow seedlings. And the work in the garden is always full. In general, I convinced, and soon the beautiful greenhouse stood in the most comfortable place of the site, next to the bathhouse.

Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house
Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house
Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house

In the first year, as soon as the snow melted, I started planting with great pleasure. First of all, I sowed something that is not afraid of cold weather - radishes, onions and dill for herbs. Previously, we did not like radishes, because we sowed it in open ground only at the beginning of May, it emerged and grew slowly, as a rule, it was attacked by pests, we had to spray it. The fruits were uneven and bitter.

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In a greenhouse, it's a completely different matter! The radish rose literally on the third day, and two weeks later we were already eating tasty, juicy fruits. And the greens arrived in time by this time. On May Day, there was a wonderful vitamin salad on the table.

Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house
Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house
Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house

And what a space now for seedlings of tomatoes and peppers! I used to keep it in boxes on the windowsill, it stretched out, the leaves turned yellow. Now the seedlings are doing great. I grow with a reserve, then distribute to neighbors and relatives. Everyone praises my seedlings, they are strong and fruitful. And I also adapted to sow watermelons and melons in cups, flowers in small boxes. In the greenhouse, they grow up quickly, then I transfer them to the garden. I never buy seedlings on the market, which I save a lot on.

In my greenhouse, I grow a little bit of everything: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, radishes, herbs. It is small - 6x3 meters, but it is enough for us. The main thing is that all vegetables ripen a month and a half earlier than in the open field. A neighbor advised to plant some seedling roots in old buckets even before the soil in the greenhouse warms up. Indeed, the buckets are warming up from all sides, and the plants quickly began to grow. It was on them that the first fruits appeared before anyone else.

Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house
Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house

I would also like to say about the peppers. They never matured in my garden, so over time I stopped planting them altogether. With the advent of the greenhouse, I remembered this very useful vegetable. I bought the largest and most beautiful fruit in the store, took the seeds and grew seedlings. She planted only 12 bushes, which provided her family for the whole year. The harvest was excellent.

Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house
Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house

But what cucumbers grow in my greenhouse. I plant only 5-6 roots, but more than enough. It is in no way comparable to a garden bed in the open field. I used to sow a lot, but there was little sense. Firstly, the garden bed takes up a lot of space; it takes a lot of water to water it. Secondly, it has to be closed from the cold. And thirdly, cucumbers ripen late, when they no longer really want to, because they are full of store.

Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house
Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house

There are, of course, the greenhouse and its disadvantages. It requires constant attention. It is necessary to open and close the vents and doors on time, monitor the temperature so that it is comfortable for the plants. In the past hot summer, I inadvertently ruined the flower seedlings, which simply dried up in the sun.

Of course, there is a lot of work in the greenhouse. Every morning and evening I definitely spend some time there: I water, weed and loosen the ground, tie up the stems, and prune.

Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house
Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house

The husband brought the water down, installed the container. Now we are thinking of establishing drip irrigation there. In the fall, when the crop is harvested, I rinse the greenhouse from the inside, dig up the soil, apply fertilizers. But I am sure that all these efforts will pay off with interest, and will be rewarded with a good harvest.

Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house
Photo by the author, Yandex Zen channel My house
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