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Russian-European telescope discovered a giant glacier on Mars with an area of ​​41,000 square kilometers

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Scientific groups around the world are studying the surface of the Red Planet. And now Russian scientists, having analyzed the data obtained from the neutron telescope, which is working as part of the ExoMars-2016 mission, made an unusual discovery. They discovered a glacier and not just anywhere, but on the equator of Mars. It is about this discovery that will be discussed in the material.

Russian-European telescope discovered a giant glacier on Mars with an area of ​​41,000 square kilometers

Martian ice at the equator, how it got there

The Martian glacier, with a total area of ​​41,000 square kilometers, was discovered in the equatorial part of Mars in an area called the Valley of the Mariners at the very bottom of the canyon.

The ice was discovered thanks to the work of the EKA ExoMars Trace Gas orbiter, which was able to "look" under a meter layer of dust and sand thanks to the FREND Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO). He found a high content of hydrogen in it.

Scientists have suggested that, with a high degree of probability, such an amount of hydrogen can only be contained in water, and given the negative temperatures on Mars, it will be ice.

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Mariner Valley, 45-degree viewing angle in near-natural colors. Image ESA / DRL / FU Berlin
Mariner Valley, 45-degree viewing angle in near-natural colors. Image ESA / DRL / FU Berlin

A completely logical question arises: How did such a huge glacier (which, by the way, in area is almost twice the size of Lake Ladoga) even form in the equatorial part of the planet? Indeed, for its formation and existence, it is necessary to maintain special conditions in terms of illumination, pressure and illumination.

And here lies another mystery of this glacier. As calculations and modeling show, the temperature regime and pressure in this area should have been evaporate the ice, but for some reason unknown to scientists, this has not happened before and is not happening now.

So scientists suggested that this glacier was formed simultaneously with the canyon itself, and this happened about two billion years ago. And it turns out that it (the glacier) consists of the ancient water of the still "young" Mars.

The colored scale at the bottom of the box indicates the amount of "hydrogen equivalent" (WEH) by weight (wt.%). As can be seen on these scales, the purple outlines in the center of this figure represent the richest region in water. In the area marked with the letter "C", up to 40% of the near-surface material appears to be water (by weight). The area marked with the letter "C" is considered promising in terms of finding water on Mars.
The colored scale at the bottom of the box indicates the amount of "hydrogen equivalent" (WEH) by weight (wt.%). As can be seen on these scales, the purple outlines in the center of this figure represent the richest region in water. In the area marked with the letter "C", up to 40% of the near-surface material appears to be water (by weight). The area marked with the letter "C" is considered promising in terms of finding water on Mars.

Scientists, of course, were interested in the discovery and, it is likely that future Martian missions will be aimed at closely studying the glacier that spreads at the bottom of the canyon in the Mariner Valley. It is likely that it is in that place in the melted water of the glacier that it will be possible to find mineral salts and even complex chemical compounds.

And this will allow you to find out the secret of the appearance of primitive life on Mars (if it ever was there).

Well, we will follow the new discoveries of Russian (and not only) scientists who work with the Red Planet.

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