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The first nuclear power plant will be built in Russia specifically for the production of hydrogen

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The first NPP in the Russian Federation, designed for the production of hydrogen, is supposed to be launched already in 2033, and brought to its design capacity by 2036. This became known from the official statement of A. Nikipelova.

The first nuclear power plant will be built in Russia specifically for the production of hydrogen

Why does Russia need a nuclear power plant to generate hydrogen

As you know, the trend for the development and widespread use of the so-called "green energy", despite the recent difficulties, is gaining momentum more and more, which means that sooner or later both oil and gas will practically not be used in the world economy.

Realizing this prospect, Russia is striving not to lose the status of an energy power and is already engaged in the development of promising directions.

Thus, many experts believe that in the future, oil and gas will be replaced by hydrogen. But before you can use it (as fuel, for example), you need to get it. Moreover, the method for producing hydrogen must be environmentally friendly (green).

So in Russia, to obtain "green" hydrogen, it was decided to use the energy of the peaceful atom.

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The first nuclear power plant for hydrogen in Russia

To solve such ambitious tasks, it was decided to involve Atomenergomash, which will take part in the development of the nuclear power engineering station (AETS), designed to produce hydrogen, as well as for the development of equipment systems for both storage and transportation of hydrogen.

And already at the moment, the engineers of Afrikantov OKBM (Atomenergomash) are at the final stage of creating a sketch of a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) project.

So, if everything goes according to the previously outlined plan, then in 2023 the technological design of the HTGR reactor plant will be completed, by 2025 a license for the placement of nuclear power plants will be obtained. By 2032, the first launch of the reactor plant will already take place, and at the beginning of 2036, the facility should be admitted to full-fledged industrial operation.

It is very pleasant that the country understands the seriousness of the transition of the world economy to "green rails" and already now they are doing a lot so that in the future Russia will retain its leading position in the field of green energy the world.

Well, we will follow the development of the project, and if you liked the material, then do not forget to rate it and subscribe to the channel. Thank you for your attention!

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