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What's dirtier than a toilet? 6 household "items" that will give him a head start

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Do you know that the toilet bowl is far from being the dirtiest item in your apartment?! Not? But in fact, in every house there are several items that, in terms of the number of bacteria, will far overtake it. And no matter how carefully you put things in order in your apartment!

Good afternoon dear friends!

And do not think that now I will list the traditional dirty places like the windowsill, the space under the sofa or the toilet brush. Not! Most microbes live on those things that sometimes you can’t even suspect in the leadership in the number of bacteria. At the same time, many of them cannot be washed, it is useless to disinfect or it is difficult to wash. But it’s impossible to get rid of them, because our daily life is connected with them.

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And in order to prove this fact to you, I prepared list of the 6 dirtiest things in the house, which will give odds even to the toilet.

1.Computer keyboard. Come on, remember when you cleaned your computer keyboard? Or at least wipe it down with paper towels? Difficult to answer? But the number of bacteria on it is 5 times more than on the rim of the toilet bowl. So I highly recommend adding a keyboard to your cleaning schedule.

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It is especially worth wiping it more often and more thoroughly if someone in the family is sick. It was at this time that the amount of the smallest "living creatures" on it rolls over.

2. Fridge. Yes, yes, the refrigerator in which your products are stored is also a very dirty place. After all, he does not wash very often. And constant temperature changes when opening / closing contribute to the reproduction of not very beneficial bacteria.

It should be noted that the leader in the number of various microorganisms is, of course, the tray in which vegetables are stored. This is not surprising! After all, only a few wash vegetables before putting them in the refrigerator.

3. Smartphone. Well how to imaginemodern life without a smartphone?! No way! We scroll through the news feed in public transport, answer calls, write messages... We always have a smartphone in our hands. And, as a result, the number of bacteria on this gadget is 18 times higher than the number of harmful "inhabitants" of the toilet bowl.

In addition, the phone is slightly, but heated. And this makes it an even more attractive place for all kinds of microbes.

4. Cutting board. Literally a "house" for microbes! At the same time, the champion in the number of microscopic inhabitants among cutting boards is certainly the one made of wood (although there are also a lot of them on plastic). Microorganisms thrive in pores, cracks and cuts. And to wash them out of there is a task "from the category of impossible."

And in order to protect yourself a little, scientists advise: “always strictly separate the boards for raw foods (meat, fish) and ready-made foods that are consumed without heat treatment.”

5. Dirt-resistant mat. The rug at the door protects the apartment from the dirt and dust that we carry every day on our shoes. Microbes and bacteria "eat" between the villi and stay there for a long time. Thus, the mat becomes an excellent breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

In general, it does not shine with cleanliness, and it is very difficult to wash it. But it's still worth it sometimes. Otherwise, germs from it can easily spread throughout your apartment.

6. Banknotes. Paper money holds the record for the number of microbes per mm2. You will never know where and in whose hands banknotes have been before they are in your possession. There is no way to clean them up in any way. Therefore, I would recommend switching to non-cash payments.

By the way, the pockets in which the money lies, respectively, are also not too clean. And in order to slightly correct the current situation, I recommend keeping banknotes in your wallet.

Previously posted material:

How to get rid of dust in your bedroom once and for all. 5 Actionable Tips


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