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Why are tomatoes inside white and with hard veins.

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Why are tomatoes inside white and with hard veins.

Very often, gardeners complain about the internal immaturity of tomatoes: the vegetables are red on the outside, and the flesh is white inside, there are streaks. This happens for various reasons, which you should familiarize yourself with in order to get rid of this problem.

The most common reasons are:
Variety of tomatoes. Sometimes this feature is one of the characteristics of the variety.

Such tomatoes, in which the pulp is quite hard, have a longer shelf life, and are better suited for transportation over any distance. Many of those who grow tomatoes for the purpose of subsequent sale choose and grow just such varieties.

Diseases of tomatoes. There is an ailment that makes tomatoes hard - phytoplasmosis. The virus provokes the disease, and it is almost impossible to cure it.

We have to remove infected bushes to prevent further spread. Symptoms of the disease are: slow growth of bushes, twisting of leaf plates, color changes to pink-purple. The flowers on the affected bushes have a paler shade when compared with healthy ones.

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Insufficient nutrition of tomatoes. The pulp of vegetables will be tough if they are not provided with a sufficient amount of moisture and nutrients during the growing process: magnesium, potassium, calcium. Also, a lack of nitrogen can have a similar effect.

If it is not there or it is simply not digested, then the taste of tomatoes deteriorates significantly. With a lack of calcium, the upper parts of the plants become drier.

Without nitrogen, they turn yellow, become flabby, weak, and grow slowly. With a potassium deficiency, the leaves curl inward.
Sometimes the taste and texture of the pulp changes for the worse in dry weather.

At this time, they need to be watered more often, slightly increasing not only the multiplicity, but also the volume. The water also cools them down a bit. The fact is that in hot weather, a substance, lycopene, is formed much worse in tomatoes. It is thanks to him that the inside becomes red and soft.

If you familiarize yourself with the possible causes in advance and identify them in a timely manner, it is quite possible to grow tasty, soft and juicy tomatoes.

And, of course, you need to choose the right variety. So, if you want the pulp to be juicy, soft and red, you need to choose varieties that do not have a particularly long shelf life.

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