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A familiar chemist revealed the secret of how to make 80% alcohol yourself at home

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Get 80% alcohol at home? It's possible!

In everyday life, a high-quality antiseptic is often needed. It is rare to find a good alcohol product on the shelves of shops and pharmacies. Therefore, I decided myself, using the “moonshine brewing” method (which a friend once told me), to get an alcohol antiseptic from vodka.

For this we need:

🔺Regular inexpensive vodka - 0.5 l;

🔺 Dropper tube;

🔺 Empty bottle - 0.25 l;

🔺 A large enameled plate or pan;

🔺Stainless steel plate of smaller diameter (can be iron);

🔺 The water is cold;

🔺 Kettle with boiling water;

🔺 A teaspoon;


🔺 Matches or lighter.

Let's start the race!

1. We take a deep enameled plate or basin. Pour cold water and put on the stove. Gas is NOT turned on yet.

2. Let's take a bottle of vodka. Vodka in the vessel should be approximately shoulder-length. Perhaps even less.

3. We make a hole for the tube in the lid from under the vodka. The end of the tube should be deep in the bottle.

4. Now the lid with the tube must be wrapped with electrical tape. This is necessary so that air does not enter the vessel.

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6. We put the bottle in a basin on a towel or some non-flammable and non-melting object. As you prefer. The water should be slightly lower than the vodka in the bottle.

We turn on the gas.

7. At this time, we prepare the rest of the parts for distillation.

8. Fill a small bowl with cold water. We lower the tube into it, and press it down with a magnet from above.

9. Further. We place a glass bottle next to the stove on a chair. Well, or on any other object of a suitable size.

We also make a hole in the lid for the tube. We lower the swimsuit into the bottle.

💥 Important! The cap on the bottle into which the alcohol will flow must not be twisted. Just cover slightly: air should circulate freely inside the vessel with future alcohol.

Well, the process has begun. The distillation procedure is not fast, but quite simple.

Now let's outline some of the nuances.

🔺 Water in a bowl of vodka tends to boil away. Therefore, as soon as you see that there is less water, immediately add boiling water from the kettle.

🔺 Check alcohol for quality. To do this, drop a little alcohol into a small spoon and set it on fire. It should burn well and evenly. At the end, a drop of water may remain, or it may not remain.

🔺 In my case, there is very little water left. So, alcohol has degrees 75-80.

Not bad at all! Agree, getting 150 ml of almost pure alcohol from cheap vodka is worth a lot!

🔺 After getting alcohol, I add a few drops of glycerin and peroxide. I have a separate post about this.

⚠️ Well, friends! How do you like my life hack? Hope it was helpful to you. Put hearts, write comments. And if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet, hurry up.

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