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Benefits and harms of lettuce health

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Fresh lettuce exquisitely decorated dishes, which are spicing up the taste. Benefits and harms of lettuce known. To merit it was more necessary to correctly choose and use the greens. If you do not take into account the peculiarities of the body (illness, reactions to certain substances), any plants or products can cause harm.

Description salad lettuce

The exact place of origin is unknown culture. The name "lactuca" translates from Latin as "milk". This is due to the fact that a little latex stands at break of green mass. Two types of cultivated plants:

Lettuce leaf - curvy wavy plate with fresh taste, firm to the touch, but quickly vyanuschie. Therefore, the salads fresh leaves are placed immediately before use. Keep a long time lettuce is not recommended;

Iceberg lettuce. Wavy leaves elastic form dense light green kochanchiki.

On sale there are different varieties of lettuce, different interesting colors and shapes. The trading network the plant is sometimes sold as a salad "Iceberg". The most delicious is considered the Italian equivalent of "Radice" with a characteristic slight bitterness. Spicy flavor is present in French variety "Batavnya". For a long time it was thought that only useful oil from the seeds.

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The composition and caloric content

The basic structure of lettuce Lettuce leaves per 100 g of water (95 g), little fat and glucose (1.0 g and 0.4 g, respectively). Of particular benefit to the plant gives the existence of many vitamins, micro / macro elements.

Benefits for the body

Thanks to the rich set of chemical elements lettuce eliminates inflammation. In clinical nutrition diet include green leaves for the normalization of the digestive system, to reduce cholesterol rates. In the fight against atherosclerosis, obesity, insomnia, hypertension leaves are also useful.

Use traced with regular use of the greenery. It simultaneously increases appetite and promotes weight loss (due to the low caloric content indicator).

Folic acid is useful for regulation of metabolic functions. In addition, strengthening the immune system and improves circulation. Vitamin B9 is useful for building and restoration of metabolic processes in the male body and the female. But the special benefits of folic acid is shown for women planning pregnancy and located on the first trimester.

In cosmetology also useful extensive set of vitamins and trace elements, as strengthening fingernails recovering healthy skin structure (as fat, and so a dry).

Recipes of traditional medicine from the leaves of lettuce

Healing properties are beneficial extracts and juices made from lettuce. Over the years, these funds were the main options, with whose help it was possible to overcome the disease. Traditional recipes are still useful and relevant.

See also:Broth beet: the benefits and harms


In some diseases, used extracts from seeds or leaves of lettuce, they are necessary for such purposes as:

  • to reduce the cough is useful to drink the infusion of the leaves. To prepare 20 g portions of fresh ground leaves and boiled water. About 1.5-2 hours to settle and then filtered. It is useful to take a 50 ml 3 times throughout the day;
  • to get rid of insomnia, insist 20g chopped leaves in boiling water (250 ml). Stand 25-30 minutes and filter. Deciduous infusion (about 100 ml) drink useful bedtime;
  • for controlling IC insist 20 g of finely chopped leaves in boiling water (250 ml). After 2 hours, the infusion is filtered. Useful 2 daily drinking 100 ml.

Water infusions mildly act on the human body, its support healthy tone.


The use of freshly prepared juices is undeniable, but harmful products stored for long periods and subjected to heat treatment.

Important! When preparing the juice, do not add salt, sugar and various spices.

Used in cosmetics

Recipes for homemade cosmetics will always be useful and in demand. After all, for making masks, infusions, creams used fresh produce and therefore such cosmetic products are more useful than the factory ready creams.

To stop hair loss in the scalp rub the juice lettuce, mixed with honey. This structure also helps fight dandruff.

Masks with mashed lettuce suitable for a variety of purposes. For the preparation of all components charged into the blender and blend for 1-2 minutes. The mixture was kept in a refrigerator for 5 minutes and applied to the cleansed skin. Its use is as follows:

  • to remove from skin shine, impose a mask of 1 hour. l. grated lettuce, mixed with finely grated half cucumber one raw egg white. Was added a teaspoon of lemon juice and chopped fresh mint;
  • for toning flabby skin is useful mask from 2 tbsp. l shredded leaf on a grater, tablespoon fat sour cream and a pair of drops of olive oil;
  • excellent tool to restore the skin after sunburn. Stirred 2 tbsp. l pounded leaves and a spoonful of sour cream / yogurt. This means it is important to rest when you are near a body of water, and the skin had a negative impact of the sun's rays.

Attention! When applied to the face mask should not be affected by the area around the eyes. Keep the mixture for 10 minutes and rinsed with water.

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