Transplanting and division lilies. Key recommendations from experienced gardeners
Transplanting and division lilies
When in the summer, and more often it happens in August, the bushes of yellow lilies begin to grow excessively active, it indicates that the color change is needed.
The Internet is often written about the various rules lilies transplant, but we all know that in this global and confusing network is very easy to stumble upon false information.
In this article you will learn how to carry out a transplant lilies and describes what to look for when it committed.
How to prepare for transplant lilies
Firstly, you first need to start preparing flowers for the upcoming transplant. They need a little cut stems in length, or more precisely cut to 4-5 centimeters.
After you carefully dig the flowers, look at themselves onions and peel them off the ground and dirt: lightly shake the plants.
Then, remove the excess flakes and dip the bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate. Experts advise to keep them there for at least e is less than twenty minutes. And only after that finally the time comes to landing itself.
lilies disembarkation
Traditional yellow lilies always planted on a standard rule: the depth of digging up holes for planting the flower must be equal to the life of his three diameter of the bulb.
However, some kinds of lilies require a bit more. For example, when landing martagon lily hole to do more in-depth, but landing a snow-white, contrast, fine.
Between bulbs when planting flowers, of course, you need to retreat a certain distance. When you land, for example, large-sized lily, and the distance between the planted flowers should be at least 30 centimeters.
If the flowers are much less, and leave between them can be 10 or 15 centimeters in length.
The next step is a sprinkling of ground pits, then gently tamp the ground, pour a small amount of water and add a little compost.
for transplant Flower Care
To transplanted flowers grew strong and beautiful, you need to take care of them.
For example, to lily bulbs e gnaws mouse, them, before planting, it is necessary to handle Vishnevsky ointment or other repellent solutions.
Will be used as follows:
• Bleach
• Tar
• solution mint juice
Also, you can handle these solutions are small patches of fabric and then lay it around flower. Also, we must not forget the timely watering the plants in order to avoid their sudden drying.