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How useful mineral water

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Mineral water has long enjoyed the fame. People go to her in the hope of receiving healing sources. Drinks with the same name sold in stores. This liquid is recommended to take doctors. On this basis, there are many recipes of traditional medicine. But is it always useful, and what the benefits and harms of mineral water?

Where does the mineral water

People began to drink this water, even if they could not explain its quality. There is nothing supernatural. Groundwater, through the various layers of the Earth's crust, saturated with microelements. Coming to the surface, they are the people dissolved natural ingredients.

Types of mineral water

A variation of such treatment depends on their composition. five kinds of stands on the chemical composition:

  • carbonate containing salt of carbonic acid;
  • sulfate include salts of sulfuric acid:
  • chloride saturated with chlorine compounds;
  • magnesium magnesium compound absorbed;
  • include ferrous iron salt.

Natural medicinal waters are classified according to the degree of mineralization:

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  • Table water a low content of trace elements. Healthy people drink mineral water every day is only allowed when there's little minerals.
  • Medical-table water It has greater salinity. It should take courses.
  • Healing water heavily saturated with minerals. Their uncontrolled reception is invalid. They are prescribed as a medicine and sold in drugstores.

The chemical composition and calorific mineral water

From the chemical point of view, the composition of natural sources depends on the dissolved salts contained in high quantities. The remaining components are presented different numbers of all the other elements present on the earth.

Natural moisture does not contain any proteins or fats, or carbohydrates, so its caloric value is zero.

Medicinal properties of mineral water

Therapeutic fluid quality, rich in minerals, are determined by its chemical composition:

  • carbonate water It is used in diseases of the stomach due to hyperacidity. It increases the alkali content, leads to normal balance of acids and alkalis. Receiving help eliminate heartburn, get rid of belching, reduce heaviness in the stomach.
  • sulfate moisture It provides choleretic result. It is used for the treatment of liver and biliary tract.
  • chloride water used in the treatment of gastritis with decreased secretion. It stimulates the production of gastric juices, improves peristalsis, increases the acidity, improves pancreatic function.
  • magnesian water strengthen bones and joints. Magnesium is necessary for normal functioning of the heart. It activates the kidneys, prevents atrophy of muscle tissue, leading to the order of the nervous system, helps in combating stress.
  • ferruginous water - the most suitable for permanent use. Their composition increases hemoglobin, stimulates blood formation, improves the functioning of the digestive system.

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