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Keeping wonderful hosts without any problems. 5 Important Tips on care

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This plant has for a long time remains popular. Although early about it no one knew, and no one has used this beautiful foliage to complement the bouquet.

But this plant has many positive qualities, which just helped him to get to the top of popularity.

One of the reasons is the ease of care. Host really undemanding plant that does not require any special place to grow, it is very easy to get used to a new habitat.

Host - the plant is long-lived, it bypass the tenth road all diseases and insect pests.

The cost of cultivation of this plant will be the minimum amount. But still you need to take care of the host. And how? This will tell in this article.

1. For Hosts very important to timely watering, observe regularity in this case, and never pereuvlazhnyat soil.

Periodically, this plant can give Vespers shower. It is only thanks to you.

Try to loosen the soil, making it very carefully, shallow. Water the plant twice in seven days.

2. Fertilizing. However as this matter is very important for any plant. It must be approached responsibly. A host should be fed three times in one season.

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In the beginning, it is done in the spring, then the flowering period, and finally, after the end of flowering. When you spend feeding, try to alternate with mineral fertilizers.

Dosage count strictly according to instructions. This also applies to the method of application.

3. Unfortunately, one pest still can infect a plant. It - Slug. Despite the fact that it is characterized by its slow, but very voracious insect harmful to plants, namely leaves.

After the appearance of a slug on a host, it is covered with holes, it becomes unattractive. Help in this case - mulching.

Use to protect the fine gravel, shell (pounded), coniferous litter. In general, all that is Kolko.

4. Indeed, at one point the host can grow very long time. But that is not the bush was growing, it is necessary to separate the young koreshochki plants.

5. Despite the fact that the host plant antifreeze, should still take care of additional shelter for the winter. For example, use agrovoloknom.

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