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Iodine for Geraniums (Pelargonium): what it is and how to use it?

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Geranium is one of the most popular and common houseplants. It attracts and gentle at the same time, saturated colors, as well as a pleasant and unobtrusive smell.

Geranium in the care of unpretentious, but nevertheless, it does not transfer from the organic fertilizer. The plant recognizes only mineral fertilizer.

As the fertilizer is used for geranium iodine. Iodine is able to produce extensive, lush flowering in plants, give a juicy greens and not only ...

What are the effects of iodine on the fertilizer plant and how to use it, this article will tell.

The action of iodine on a geranium

Of course, the fertilizer based on iodine has a positive effect on the plant:

· Besides that of iodine solution was rapidly improves the appearance of the plant, it favors the assimilation of nitrogen. Thus, the flower becomes resistant to various diseases;

· Often the plant is exposed to the fungus. Fungal parasites lodge in the ground. Fertilizing of iodine to disinfect the soil, and also prevents contamination of other diseases;

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· Using such a solution you can even recover the most neglected flowers;

· Feeding a well developed root system, but also increases the concentration of vitamin C;

· Accelerated process of the ovaries;

· Also this dressing is notable for its accessibility and easy to care for.


In the preparation of fertilizer is important to respect the proportions and irrigation procedure. Otherwise the plant roots may get a burn and subsequent death of the flower.

Preparation of the solution and irrigation rules

Fertilizer will need iodine and clean water. Can go rain. One liter of water to combine with iodine drops and mix thoroughly.

To start to pour the ground water, and after an hour the solution may be infused. When watering is necessary to ensure that the fertilizer did not fall on the leaves, as this will cause them to wilt and drought.

If all of the solution got on a leaf, wipe it with a dry cloth. The solution is to be poured close to the walls of the pot.

Use of iodine in its pure form is impossible, as this may cause damage to the plant roots. Therefore, it must be diluted with water.

When watering a plant needs some time to observe. If the buds have acquired a yellow color, it indicates that the soil contains too much iodine. In this case, the dressing should be suspended.

when to fertilize

Fertilize flower need in terms of its external characteristics and time of year. If buds become sluggish and lose color, it is necessary to "feed" the plant.

Geranium able to move drought. Glut of moisture may affect it negatively.

In summer and autumn watering geraniums fertilizer so you need no more than once a month, and in the spring to apply a top dressing is necessary every two weeks.

It is important to know what to fertilize weakened plant does not need. If geranium exposed to insect pests, then the first step is to get rid of them, and only then proceed to the fertilizer.

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