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Bee Podmore: benefits and harms, as taking

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Bee Podmore is a tool recently become known to the general public. If earlier the benefits and harms of bee Podmore were familiar only part-bee enthusiasts, but now more and more people are discovering the knowledge of this by-product of beekeeping. So far, the response from physicians about bee subsea can not be called too encouraging, but the accumulation of statistical picture of useful properties of bee Podmore and the possible negative consequences of their use becomes clearer.

What is bee Podmore

The life cycle of the honey bee is about 35-40 days in summer and about nine months in the winter. Since bees, unlike ants, do not produce reducing deceased family members, the bodies of dead bees collect on the bottom of the hive. It is, in fact, have bee Podmore.

There are several types Podmore, depending on when the bees are dying - winter, spring, summer, autumn. High rates of natural decline of bees occur in the first month after the end of winter and at the approximate time of death of the first generation of bees this season. In the future, the population leveled, and the mass death of bees is practically not observed.

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Mass winter Podmore in rare cases is less than 500 g, the spring-summer usually up to 1 kg. In total for the year of bee family is completely updated several times, and the total mass of Podmore may reach several kilograms.

The most dominating considered the last Podmore - autumn. The use of dead bees, who were born in the second half of the summer, much higher - they have no shortage of food and the most full of vitamins. Spring and Winter subsea consist predominantly of "hungry" bees; also they have a lot of stool after a long winter. Such Podmore inwardly take undesirable from it is preferable to make a variety of means for external use - tinctures, ointments, etc...

Beekeepers several times a year free of the hive by Podmore, which is used in a variety of traditional medicines. Along with honey, wax and propolis, Podmore is one of the most important bee products.

The chemical composition of bee Podmore

Speaking about the chemical composition Podmore can only give an approximate concentration quantitative estimates of certain substances. Sometimes it is difficult to determine not only quantitative but also qualitative composition Podmore. Very much of it depends on the factors to consider are quite difficult: there are plants growing in the area of ​​the apiary, and the health of the bee colony, its dimensions and other circumstances.

In any event, will be present in subsea specific set of materials, the content of which is more or less constant:

  • proteinaceous compound - from 50% to 60%;
  • melanins - from 20% to 25%;
  • Chitin - from 10% to 12%;
  • Various trace elements and other substances - from 3% to 10%;
  • water - up to 10%.

The protein composition comprises the following components:

  • various amino acids and enzymes;
  • undigested vegetable proteins;
  • apitoxin;
  • heparin.

In addition to these substances, Podmore composition includes antioxidants, hepatoprotectors, natural antibiotics (included in the bee venom). It consists in forms easily digestible person has about 27 minerals from phosphorus and potassium to iron, magnesium and zinc.

How useful bee Podmore

Since the chemical composition of bee Podmore is extremely diverse, the use of bee Podmore for the body has many manifestations.

The main active agents are substances melanin and chitosan. The latter has the property to clean the intestines and liver, has a fallout effects and has beneficial effects on the thyroid gland. Additionally, chitosan is used as maintenance therapy in the control of giardiasis.

Chemical tandem of melanin and chitosan is able to break down fats almost any origin. This useful feature is used to combat obesity and atherosclerosis, as well as for the prevention of a variety of related diseases.

Apitoxin it is the major component of bee venom, used by mankind since ancient times. This tool helps you from a number of ailments that have very different origins. In particular, it is an anti-allergy agent, local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory agent. Since apitoxin able to be stored for a long time and can withstand high temperatures, keep it in the bee subsea, one might say, it is guaranteed.

Attention! Bee venom, which is part of Podmore, though, and is used to treat allergies, in itself is a strong allergen. In pure form it is not allowed to contact with the surface of any mucous membranes from the iris eye to the nasal cavities and mouth.

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