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How useful salmon, calories

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Benefits and harms of pink salmon are often not considered housewives who use the product daily for dinner. But the high content of vitamins and minerals helps some people with abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract to solve their problems in terms of food. Before turning on the fish in your diet, it is necessary to consider the beneficial properties and contraindications for its frequent use.

Looks like and where the usual salmon

This fish belongs to the family of salmon, trout or salmon, and received its name due to the formation of a hump on the back of the male before spawning. Among all species of salmon pink salmon is less greasy. Salmon inhabit the oceans and coastal waters.

The appearance of the fish is interesting - its back dark blue shade, sides silvery, and belly is resistant white. Among the distinctive features can be identified lack of teeth in the language, the presence of large oval spots on the dorsal and anal fins. During spawning salmon kind of change - the abdomen becomes yellowness in color, and behind the fish becomes pale gray.

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The composition of the salmon

Salmon meat is useful because of the great diversity contained in the composition of vitamins and trace elements. Among them are:

  • vitamins, A, D, C, PP;
  • macronutrients - sulfur, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus;
  • trace elements - zinc, iodine, fluorine, chromium, iron and others.

As part of a lot of fatty acids responsible for the young man's body cells.

Useful properties of salmon

The use of pink salmon to the body:

  • fatty acids are involved in the restoration of bone tissue, providing protection from exposure to toxins;
  • substances contained in the meat of fish are involved in lipid metabolism, a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fatty acids do not cause harm to the body, but only help to restore the balance of fat in the subcutaneous layers - as a result of previous returns elasticity and firmness of the skin (other than prevention cellulite);
  • calcium has a beneficial effect on the nails and human hair;
  • cells carried oxygen enrichment - it normalizes the cellular metabolism;
  • It improves the function of the endocrine glands;
  • is an improvement of the central nervous system;
  • fish nutrients have a positive impact on the level of blood sugar.

Useful properties of salmon are as prevention of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, gastric ulcers, arthritis, asthma, and hypertension.

Specialists recommended to consume a day not more than 80 grams of pure meat.

Important! For the normal functioning of the body is sufficient to prepare meals once a week - after heat treatment, the nutrients are retained in the product.

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