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The best vines to arbors

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Climbing plants not only give the gazebo aesthetic appearance, but also protect campers from rain and wind. Can be planted as annuals and perennial vine.

age as an advantage in the fact that with their help, every year, you can change the appearance of buildings.

Its advantages, there are perennial vines: there is a great variety of them, they have a strong branch, they do not need to be planted every year.


This annual vine is able to reach a height of 5 meters. There are many varieties of vines. The best known are: purple, tricolor, hederacea.

In a separate subgenus isolated kvamoklit Morning Glory. Its peculiarity lies in the beautiful carved leaves and florets are small, but very bright.


In this fast-growing annual vine bell-shaped flowers, for what they called the monastery bells.

Shoots topped with a mustache, with which easily climb to a height of 7 meters. To better tillering tops of the vines need to pinch back.


Perennial vine is unpretentious, easy to adapt to different conditions of detention.

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On the maiden grapes do not grow showy flowers, but without them climbing plant looks very impressive. Green summer autumn leaves turn a beautiful purple color.


When this perennial vine blooms, it seems that the pouring purple rain from the sky. This plant is not only beautiful but also fragrant.

Wisteria emits volatile, capable of suppressing pathogens.

That shoots beautiful pergola entwine, they need to generate at a scrap, guide and tie.


Perennial vine blooms profusely and continuously for 2.5-3 months.

Clematis feature is that they love to shoots brightly lit by the sun, and the roots are shaded and cool.

This should be considered when planting vines, tree trunks prisypaya mulching material.

climbing roses

Breeders displayed a wide variety of grades of climbing roses. They differ in terms of flowering, size, color of buds.

And if the gardener will select varieties with fragrant flowers, it will not only enjoy the beautiful views of the vines, but also breathe in their unique flavor.

honeysuckle Perfoliate

Planted around the gazebo vine not only spoil the overall look, but can even hide some flaws in construction.

Its showy tubular florets attenuate subtle, pleasant fragrance.

Perennial vine needs a spring pruning, regular watering, fertilizing.


Second name creepers - Tecoma. This powerful climber suitable for large pavilions: it shoots are able to reach a height of 15 meters.

Over time drevesneveyut trunks and vine is like a fantastic plant.

Trumpet blooms orange grammofonchikami throughout the summer.

actinidia kolomikta

Climbing perennial plant has not only decorative, but also increases the delicious and healthy fruit.

Very beautiful Actinidia leaves changing color from bronze to green.

The tips of the leaf plates become white color first, then - pink or red. For fruit set is necessary to plant vines of different sexes.

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