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Timing sowing major vegetable crops in open ground

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All vegetable crops have their physiological characteristics, so the timing of planting in open ground are different. Some crops are not afraid of cold weather, they can be planted earlier.

Thermophilic, on the contrary - when it's time to pass from the return of frost. This article will tell in detail how and when planted in open ground and various vegetables.

the soil temperature

It is the most important indicator of the beginning of the sowing of vegetables in the open ground. Vegetables can be planted when the threat has passed return of frost.

At a steady temperature of 5-7 ° C degrees can be planted early culture.

To measure the temperature of the soil, you can use a thermometer. It must be recessed into the ground at 5 cm and wait.

Measure the temperature must be at the same site where the planned sowing of seeds. If the thermometer is not possible to determine seeding time, paying attention to the surrounding plants.

When blossoming currant buds early spring can be planted culture.

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When the buds have blossomed on the bank, it means that frost has passed, you can not be afraid for vegetable crops.

early spring vegetables

Early sowing period begins on April 25. During this period, the soil has warmed up to +5. You can put these vegetables: carrots early maturing cabbage, radish, turnip, radish, early peas. As well as herbs: parsley, dill, green onions, celery.

Even if the short-term return to freezing, seeds of these plants will not suffer. If the temperature suddenly decreases significantly, the beds can be concealed with a special material, heat-preserving.

Specialist shops offer a rich selection of such materials.

late spring vegetables

This period starts on 10 May. The soil is already well warmed up, the probability of return of frost is close to zero. The soil temperature is not lower than + 10 ° C, and the temperature is kept at such values: 15-20 ° C.

planted: potatoes, beets, beans, asparagus, garlic, onion, cabbage is middle. On warm dung ridge planting cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, squash. On ordinary beds sow green: all kinds of salads, mint, parsnip, coriander, spinach, sorrel and everything else.

Planted vegetables are no longer in danger, so you can not worry about covering materials.

Summer vegetables

Summer planting period begins on 10 June. During this period, you can plant vegetables and herbs that have already eaten. As well as vegetable crops intended for winter storage.

Planted salad greens and vegetables: radish, parsley, dill, all kinds of salads, arugula. If you put in this period, to the end, you can have fresh herbs from the garden.

Vegetables for storage: late varieties of cabbage, tomatoes for open ground, turnips, radishes, cucumbers for pickling.

You can put carrots, then it does not suffer from pests and longer retain useful properties.

In various regions of the country planting dates vary slightly, so they must be adjusted in accordance with the climate.

In addition, as in some years may be weather anomalies as downward and upward temperature. They also need to be taken into account.

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