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Benefits and harms of sea buckthorn

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Seabuckthorn - one of the most useful berry. In its composition it has a huge amount of useful trace elements and vitamins. Berry rich biological active substances and monounsaturated fatty and organic acids. Due to this, the mass of sea buckthorn has medicinal properties.

The benefits of fruits

Seabuckthorn provides invaluable influence on the human body. Its medicinal properties are widely used in folk and traditional medicine. Seabuckthorn ensure the normal functioning of all organs and life support systems.

Buckthorn helps to speed up the treatment of colds and inflammatory processes in the body, strengthens the immune system. It speeds up metabolism at the cellular level. Carotene, which is contained in the fruit sufficient, positive effect on the improvement in visual function.

Ascorbic acid in its composition strengthens blood vessels, and normalizes blood clotting process. Positive effects can be observed when the reproductive function. Thiamine, riboflavin regulate and normalize the nervous and cardio - vascular systems.

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Seabuckthorn has excellent antibacterial properties. Oil from the berries are not interchangeable with burns and injuries of varying degrees of skin. Berries are recommended to use for older people. This is the only berry that gives anti-sclerotic effect.

Recommended for diseases of the joints. Excellent antioxidant that prevents ingestion of harmful compounds, infections and harmful microorganisms. It prevents premature aging. Normalize hormones and improves memory.

Included in the berries, Omega 3 and Vitamin C, provide rapid burning of fats and normalization of metabolic processes. Which leads to the normalization of weight. Sea buckthorn is recommended for consumption for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Berry helps to fill the mother and baby need vitamins and trace elements.

The composition of the miracle - berries includes a substance serotonin. It is widely known as the "hormone of happiness." It was he who protects the body from nervous disorders and depression. It has a healing action not only berries and leaves of the plant can be used as a decoction. This will help restore normal operation gastro - intestinal tract.

potential harm

It is not recommended to use sea-buckthorn fresh, class of persons with the problems of 12 duodenal ulcer. They take it only as an oil. Cholecystitis, acute hepatitis, kidney stones, diarrhea and individual intolerance, can not use sea-buckthorn.

We should not forget that the abuse of any product can bring irreparable harm to the body. Although buckthorn 100% natural well of vitamins, the daily rate of sea buckthorn oil consumption of 30-40 g or handful of fresh berries.

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