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Benefits and harms of olives

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In his part of the olives have a huge amount of vitamins, mineral macro, trace elements, fatty amino acids. Due to the chemical composition of these fruits have many healing properties.

The use of olives

Fiber and vitamin PP good help to cope with increased levels of cholesterol in the blood. Potassium and all the same vitamins, help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, normalize the work of the cardio - vascular system. Regular consumption of olives helps to speed up the metabolism process, normalizes blood sugar levels.

Olives are recommended to use in various diseases of the joints. Calcium and phosphorus are included in olives help to strengthen bone tissue. Fiber eliminates the problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamins B6 and C. regulate proper metabolism, normalizing body weight. When colds and inflammations have preventive and therapeutic effect. Strengthen the immune system.

Separately, it should be noted that olives are very useful for children and adolescents. Fatty acids charitable affects growing organism.

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With a lack of sodium salt, may be tempted to eat an olive. This is the first sign of malfunction of the thyroid gland. Eating regularly several fruits, you can gradually make up for this shortcoming.

Men are advised to enter into the diet of olives. Using the fatty acids in men cleared vessels occurs improved circulation process to all organs. The quality of sperm, vitamin B9 stimulates hair growth, can prevent early baldness. For best results, men's capacity, it is recommended to men daily consume 15 olive fruits.

Women need these vitamins like E and C. Olives good prevention of cancer tumors, prevent premature aging. Vitamins A and B are responsible for the improvement of the skin and hair.

Calcium and Phosphorus strengthens teeth and nail plates. At 6 is good prevention of thrombosis and varicose veins. Strengthens blood vessels.

Olives are recommended for inclusion in the diet is subject to different diets. Olives are widely used not only in food but also for beauty.

damage to the product

You can not eat olives: cholecystitis, cholelithiasis exacerbation, pancreatitis. May cause harm to the canned product. Prior to its purchase should be familiar with the composition of the contents of the can. If it indicates the presence of a manufacturer of additives E579, is to abandon this product.

A large amount of salt in the product can harm: for children up to 3 years old, pregnant and lactating women, as well, with the disease giperatsidnym gastritis.

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