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Top 7 undemanding garden crops that can grow each

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Beautiful manicured beds, a rich harvest of delight any gardener. But do not always achieve this result only at the cost of hard work can be.

There are a number of vegetable crops, care that does not cause much trouble.

These plants - a godsend for farmers who can not engage in hard physical labor because of the state health, lack of time or simply do not want to, believing that the cottage is designed for a pleasant stay, but not for exhausting work.

So, we have compiled a list of top vegetable crops, partially removing a summer resident of daily load of trouble.

1. A variety of salads and other greens

Parsley, celery, fennel, sorrel, mint, cilantro. After planting the plants do not require any maintenance other than watering. Only for what is necessary to monitor - to leafy culture does not bloom.

Another advantage - some of these plants, such as mint and sorrel is a perennial.

This frees the gardener from the need to plant them every year.

2. Peas

One of the most unpretentious and, at the same time, loved by all cultures. It is easy to sow, and all care is reduced to watering and harvesting.

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3. Horseradish

Undemanding to soil composition perennial. Vitality and speed of its spread across the garden so high that gardeners often do not know how to get rid of new plants that appear here and there in the beds.

Therefore, an area on which are planted horseradish, usually limited to a small sheet metal plates, or other available materials.

Horseradish - a useful plant, is widely used in canning, and separately, as tabasco.

4. Beet

Also, it does not cause much trouble gardeners. Its seeds are planted in open ground, watered infrequently - about once every three days.

This culture may well feel like in the shadows, and the sun beds.

However, it is not necessary to put the plant in acid soil, as this can be left without a crop.

5. squash

It grows almost "by itself". All that is needed - to put in the ground germinated or even soaked seeds and water them every 7-10 days. Thus it is possible to obtain an abundant harvest.

Unwilling to trouble themselves gardeners weeding, mulch the beds are. This will prevent them from weeds and allow to retain moisture in the soil longer.

6. Bow

On the greens it can put even a child. It is enough to plug the bulbs in the ground, pour and wait for an early harvest.

In dry weather, the bow needs watering once every 5-7 days.

7. Potatoes

Strangely not so difficult to maintain, if not to make too big beds, and time-consuming to replace hilling mulch.

Reduce labor costs can also, if you do not plant potatoes in a pre-dug pit and under the straw. In this case, it may not even be necessary vskopka garden.

The only thing we should not forget - Colorado potato beetle, which is necessary to protect the potato beds.

This can be done using chemical or environmentally friendly way of collecting pest.

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