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Prevention - the basis of combat whitefly in the greenhouse

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Whitefly - one of the most insidious of the garden and vegetable garden pests. Their ability to destroy the plants is surprising. Even in greenhouses and greenhouses, it can be year-round, causing damage to plants.

In this case, they definitely need help. What to do in such a situation?

How do I know what whitefly interferes with normal plant growth and development? This will be explained later.

How to identify whitefly?

The fight against this pest in greenhouses - is one of the most important techniques in farming practices. After all, this insect is very fruitful, and so in a short time spread throughout the free space of ground.

Identify whitefly can be on such grounds:

1. Insect shallow and has two pairs of powdery white wings and yellowish body. Body length is up to 1.5 mm.

2. Whitefly larvae are pale yellow, flat and have red eyes. Their length is 0.8 mm. They can be found on the underside of leaves.

3. The quality of food consumed plant juice. If excessive damage leaves curl, become black, wither.

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4. Whitefly usually affects tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, celery.

Why is it important to treat all plants?

If you treat the plant casually and not to handle it from pests, the plant expects to death.

Larvae take the force necessary for life and growth, and adult insects for a few days can completely eat the fleshy part.

If larvae are present, you can see that on the leaves form a sticky plaque that clogs the pores of the leaves and prevents normal photosynthesis take place.

Also whitefly can carry a large number of viruses and its larvae produce a sweetener, which can be called a good medium for the proliferation of fungi.

And these black lesions on the leaves of plants is a type of black mold.

By what method there is resistance to whitefly in the greenhouse?

To preserve the culture in greenhouses, you must periodically carry out a complex of measures, among which is mandatory and prevention.

These activities include:

1. Complete removal and incineration residues from infected plants.

2. In greenhouses structure must be applied to the bleach solution. Also this solution is recommended to treat those parts greenhouse that are non-removable.

3. In winter greenhouse is necessary to dig the ground and to remove the transparent cover greenhouses.

4. Manually or by careful watering crops with a hose for watering have the ability to resist pests. After this, each leaf on both sides with a solution of soap rub.

5. You can resort to the use of special traps for insects. This plate with bright colors, where the coating is used the adhesive layer.

6. If the site is badly damaged whitefly and the above methods do not help in the fight, it is recommended to use insecticides for home use.

To poison did not get to the plants, they first need to cover with polyethylene or other protected material.

But this is an extreme method, because after this treatment, eat vegetables to eat only after their heat treatment.

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