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5 rules of compulsory care lilacs

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You think of lilacs easy to care for? Deeply mistaken. The plant will never bloom, if you do not comply with certain conditions.

Yes, lilac quietly withstand any cold, climate adaptation is fast, even if a severe drought.

But to form inflorescences saturated, rich fragrance and appearance of the plant is important to monitor every gardener.

5 necessary rules for lilac care

1. Constant loosening the soil around the plant. Whatever the soil, it must be regularly loosened.

Only it helps lilacs every year to please their owners plot incredible fresh large flowering.

If you do not abide by loosening, the plant will not be able to get the proper amount of air and water here - the soil begins to thicken, leading eventually to the death of a lilac.

Also, be aware that too deep to undermine the plant is not necessary. Enough for him just 5-7 cm dug earth around.

2. constant watering. Since most of the lilac is prone to drought, it is important to remember that you need to water the plant.

Especially if the seedling has been recently vaccinated in the soil - it should be watered once every one hundred percent to get used to the soil.

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There is even a special irrigation technology: to start to pour the water at the roots, forming a hole, and then - on top, creating a rain effect.

In the last month of summer, you can not use the abundant water, as rainfall will make his own.

3. Resistance does not equal invulnerability. Despite the fact that the lilac is getting used to any climate, plants can get sick just like all the other shrubs.

It also includes and pests, and contamination of the barrel. To lilacs all season stays fresh, it is important to regularly inspect the bushes, to handle them with special substances, unless noted damage.

4. pruning. Twice a year, every gardener is doing pruning bushes of lilacs.

If you do not cut the branches have grown, the plant will die and wither. Trimming involves removing the dry and broken branches, shoots formed during the spring.

Also, trim function helps to align the lilac bush and give an aesthetically pleasing appearance.

5. regular fertilizing. In the autumn period for good growth of bushes it is important to add to the soil fertilizer. Also, fertilizing is needed if a small sapling just planted lilacs.

For full adaptation to the soil it is important to fill bush fertilizer. Always read fertilizing composition in which there should be enough minerals.

Thus, young shrubs dressing should be bombarded with prevailing content of manure, preferably in adults feed bushes humus. Every gardener knows this rule.

Only taking into account all the above 5 points, you can achieve the perfect flowering lilac. Fresh, pleasant scent and your high spirits are guaranteed that if you properly take care of the purple bushes.

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