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Grass Bergamot: useful properties and contraindications, photos and description

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Monarda, or Bergamot garden - spicy and aromatic plant with unique beneficial properties: it is not only a beautiful flower, which is used with advantage in cooking, but also potent drug capable to fight viral infection or injury stubborn fungi. In everyday life, however, is often confused Monarda orange-bergamot because of the similarity of names, citrus flavor and aroma of leaves of these plants. In addition, both of these cultures are used in tea blends. Therefore, the information about what benefits and harms of Monarda, requires a wide range of consumers.

What kind of plant

There are 3 completely different plants with the same name "bergamot". They are often confused with each other, even though they have different properties.

stand out:

  • Pear Bergamot, in translation - "Beysky pear", the origin is connected with the Ottoman Empire.
  • Orange-bergamot - citrus, reminiscent of lemon and lime, comes from the Italian town of Bergamo: hence the name "bergamot";
  • Grass Monarda, bergamot or garden, with citrus bergamot like delicate lemon flavor and aroma.
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Monarda - a medicinal aromatic honey plant family Lamiaceae with bright colors from white to cherry tones, often cultivated in suburban areas. The plant was brought to Europe from America in the 20th century. Its name it received in honor of the Spanish botanist Monardes first described it.

Monarda species

Monarda species of many, but the most useful are the two of its kind that combines decorative and aromatic properties with the highest content of essential oils:

Fistular (tubular) - the most valuable essential oil of Monarda, which contains thymol substance whose use is shown in the high healing properties of plants. Due thymol fistular Monarda is widely used in medicine, cosmetics, perfumery industry.

citric - with blue flowers - the most loved by vacationers due to the fact that there is both decorative and culinary use - as a spice in various dishes. Invaluable universal properties of essential oil of this type is obliged within its composition substances which may similarity can substitute herbs such as basil, mint, lemon balm, thyme, thyme, tarragon, dill, rosemary, hyssop, coriander, lemon.

The chemical composition of Monarda

Monarda is considered to be useful plants rich in the following elements:

  • Essential oils. They contain about 40 substances: linalool, Sabine, borneol, cymene, terpinene, tuyen, tuyol, myrcene and the other, the concentration of which is an essential oil - the most powerful of the benefits of the drug against many diseases;
  • antioxidants which help to rejuvenate the body, quickly get on their feet after an illness;
  • retinoids - nutrients responsible for healthy hair and nails, skin elasticity and youthfulness;
  • Vitamin C, which is very effective in treating colds, it works well with the human immune system.

Useful and therapeutic properties of Monarda

Monarda flower has many useful properties, which has used Indian tribes for various therapeutic purposes. The use of diverse application Monarda:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • pain relief;
  • rapid healing of wounds;
  • eliminating inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • treatment of heart and blood vessels;
  • maintaining male potency is normal (bergamot - known aphrodisiac);
  • increase breast milk in lactating mothers;
  • heat reduction and so on. d.

From the earliest times of Monarda prepared broth, which they drank, they also washed the wound, making inhalation. A fresh plant leaves applied to abscesses, because its juice is exceptionally useful properties relieves inflammation.

Attention! It must be remembered that improper use of Monarda can bring harm instead of good health. Before applying it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Recipes of traditional medicine with garden bergamot (decoctions, infusions, tinctures, compresses)

To prepare a decoction of Monarda, take fresh or dried flowers, stems and leaves of the plant, slightly crushed. 5 hours. l. Pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, allowed broth for 20 minutes then filter and use depending on the purpose, inside or by inhalation, compresses.

For rapid healing of burns and wounds

As a part of all kinds of Monarda has thymine - a substance that acts as a powerful antiseptic. Its properties neutralize harmful bacteria, disinfect the wound.

Use thymine is also evident when various snake bites and insect, the treatment of burns, wounds, eczema. Bergamot garden has antibiotic properties: it can be used to resist the many bacterial infections.

How to use:

  • A few drops of essential oil of Monarda treat the affected area;
  • With the infusion to make a compress, or simply rub the wound with cotton wool soaked in broth.

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