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Sewerage system in the country with their own hands

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An excellent solution sewerage organization in a country house or cottage is installation of a septic tank. Its installation professionals is not cheap. One option would be to install a septic tank with your hands, but this process requires a certain period of time to study the necessary information on the topic, decision-making and carrying out of installation works. Provisional solution is a cesspool - a proven type of arrangement of the villa for centuries sanitation. You can build rapidly, without any material costs with the least involvement of additional manpower.

For a start needed to calculate water consumption. And, on this basis, approximately calculate the pit. Physical labor, of course, will have to make, but also mounted their own hands sewerage system will serve for many years faithfully. We must decide what material will be posted pit. If made of concrete rings, you have to bring the crane to install them if red brick, no mechanization is not required.

So, we proceed to the construction pit. First, you need to dig a hole, taking into account the fact that the depth it needs to be more than 30 cm on the design. That when digging a pit not step aside, sometimes it is necessary to apply a builder's level. Bottom of the hole it is necessary to set in concrete, pre-laying broken brick or stone and zaarmirovav grid. The concrete layer should be 15.Eto cm to do sealing. Spread the usual brick masonry pit. Sewage the medium is considered aggressive environment, and therefore should be 2 to 1 of sand to cement ratio in the solution. Furthermore, the entire clutch, and in particular the seams need zazhelezit, cover cement mortar. On top of the pit close concrete slab with an inspection hatch in the middle. At the time of laying it is necessary to provide a mounting for the device on the pit wall reinforcing mesh for further plastering holes. Grid set plaster and the time the final strength of the cement, which is approximately one month after laying, and again on wet plaster solution, rub the dry cement to ferrugination. This procedure will prevent the clutch from erosion.

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During drying masonry is necessary to make drain. To lay the pipe, it is necessary to dig a trench from the walls of the house to the pit depth of about half a meter. The bottom of the trench fill with sand, put the tube back and covered with sand, and then taken out prior to completely level ground. (The depth of the trench should be slightly greater than the depth of soil freezing.) It remains to build a hydraulic lock from clay. If it's not on the site, then bring it. Dilute it with water to a state of fluidity and fill all available space between the brickwork and the ground. This lock will prevent the ingress of water from the soil into the hole and vice versa. Can be put on top of a manhole pit, and around the compacted soil to plant flowers and laid out earlier. Trees planted next to the hole is not desirable in order to avoid destruction of the root system of the pit.

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