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Superb Kobe: a godsend for the design of a garden site

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Scourge kobei manhole can reach up to a height of 6 meters. In this case, the plant clings to his mustache for any item found on his way. Annual vine is able in a short time become an ornament to the local area. Consider the rules kobei cultivation and use it in the garden area.


Kobeyu planted seedlings may be first, followed by transfer, either directly in the open ground.

In the first case to begin planting in late winter or early spring. Since the vine does not tolerate transplanting, use to do this, peat pots.

Each container is filled loose earth. It is humidified, it laid 2 seeds, which are then sprinkled with a thin layer of sand or soil. When the hatch sprouts, weaker ones removed.

When the threat of frost has passed, bushes planted at a fixed place at a distance of 1 meter from each other. Place for the cultivation of selected kobei well lit, or bell-shaped flowers will not have a decorative appearance.

At the bottom of the pits laid humus: it will warm the roots, and saturate them with nutrients.

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Also kobei seeds can be sown directly into the ground after frowned steady heat.


If there is a threat of the return of frost, the bushes need to wrap covering materials.

A good option is to cover them with a plastic bottle, which is cut off the bottom. Next to the bushes need to install support.

First, she needed to breakage of the stems from the wind, and then - so they had somewhere trail. Kobe needs abundant irrigation, especially in the dry summer.

After each moistening the soil should be loosened: for example to the roots of the air flows better, and also destroyed the weeds, which can drown out the young seedlings.

Once kobeyu should be fed every 10 days. First, nitrogen-containing substances used for increasing the green weight of the active, then - a mixture of potassium and phosphorus for the formation of buds and beautiful flowering.

Using the landscape

Kobeyu use in landscaping the site can be different:

1. With her long lashes, you can divide the plot into several areas, such as front, economic, horticultural, as well as a place of rest.

2. Use the vine as a green wall that protects the premises from the noise and dust.

3. If kobeyu land near the farm buildings, it zadekoriruet them with their long lashes.

4. Pustivee climb up the arch (made, for example, heart) may be prepared on site bright decorative accent.

5. If you put kobeyu near-mesh netting, she quickly it opletet to form a hedge.

6. After dropping off the vine in a container, you can install them in turn in different places, for example, on the porch of the house, on the terrace, near the gazebo.

Superb Kobe - a godsend for gardeners who are looking for plants for vertical gardening plot. During the fast time creeper decorate its delicate leaves and beautiful, fragrant flowers of various color.

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