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Top 5 Best plants for the "white" flower beds

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White color in the landscape not only symbolizes joy, tenderness, festivity, but also allows to visually enlarge the space. Picking crops on terms of flowering, you can throughout the season to admire the snow-white inflorescences. Consider the top 5 of the best plants for flower beds of white.


White tulips represent tenderness and purity. Place to pick up their landing well-lit by the sun, not windy.

Planted them in a permanent place in the fall. With spring planting flowering this year will not come.

planting depth depends on the size of the bulb. The larger the planting material, the greater must be the fovea. Large bulbs are planted closer to one to one, small - on.

After flowering, the dried buds are cut, otherwise the bulbs do not have the strength for further development. Leaves should be dry in the bush itself.


This light-loving plants, but on a hot day, it is desirable that they were shaded from the scorching rays of the sun. The root system of phlox small, so they are planted shallow.

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Best of all they will feel themselves on loose, moist, fertile soils.

The peculiarity of phlox that a rhizome are increasingly rising to the surface of the earth every year. Therefore, to prevent the bushes from freezing in the winter, they need to be mulched.

Too overgrown plants are divided into parts, and then planted separately.


The white variety Astilbe are highly decorative. This plant is ideal for half-shaded garden plots.

It is important to bear in mind that although the Astilbe and loves much water, but groundwater should not come close to the earth's surface. On such soils necessarily arranged drainage.

Astilbe used in flowerbeds, mixborders, dropping it next to the decorative leafy plants, such as hosts, ferns, Badal.

Effectively it will look next to the snow-white blooming phlox, lilies.


It looks beautiful in the garden globular buds of white varieties of hydrangea tree.

This plant is very moisture-loving, so the soil should not dry up. Gornenziya loves sunny places, shading at noon.

To not lose the bushes effective view, they need to form, removing weak, diseased, and thickening crown branches. Withered buds cut.

In winter the root circle of mulch, then plant harbor. Hydrangea is easily propagated by cuttings, dividing the bush, and layering.


Flowering white palette grade Alyssum Snow carpet. He builds up the low, 10-15 cm, shrubs that quickly flood the surrounding area.

Alyssum leaves not even be seen from the abundant white inflorescences.

Blossoms Planting time: from June to frost the most. Grow plants from seeds, which get into a flower shop and collect yourself.

Planted bushes on a small hill, so as not to rotten roots. Alyssum used for alpine gardens, rockeries.

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