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How to propagate strawberries mustache right?

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Strawberry - a sweet berry that ripens in mid-summer.

Reproduction strawberry mustache - the most simple and easy way that does not require large expenditures and human strength, compared with the propagation of seeds.

It is better to buy a socket strawberries and propagate processes. But then, to form a good seedlings, the plant itself needs a lot of effort, so the number of berries will be minimal.

It is better to advance to notice the bushes of strawberries, which bear much fruit, and then use them in breeding.

Typically, these plants do not have problems with the formation of whiskers. On the contrary, they can grow a large number, but it is necessary to leave only 5-6 pieces, and the rest cut.

whisker formation starts when the air temperature is 15 degrees, and the duration of the day approximately 12 hours.

Mustache begin to form in July. On a bush can be seen from 3 to 4 pieces, but the best are those that are located closer to the bush.

All other whiskers that are longer than 5 cm are cut conventional scissors or a knife angle of 40 degrees.

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Previously, no need to cut, because through them carried metabolism all subsequent enrichment and macro and micronutrients for good growth.

You must follow a few rules:

1. When you have formed sprouts will grow roots, they need to be to squeeze something to the ground and fall asleep.

You can take a glass, plastic, or something similar and insert it into the ground. Fall asleep to the ground and put his mustache.

Once formed a new bush, not a lot of stress for him for the transplant, since the roots will not be broken.

2. Quite often, watering, especially in very hot weather. After the rain passed, the ground around the bushes need to loosen.

3. When will take 8-10 weeks, you can transplant the new outlet. It is better to do it in the interval between the end of August and mid-September.

At the outlets should grow at least 3 sheets and has regrown root system of about 7 cm.

transplanting time appoint better in the morning or evening. Be sure to dry weather.

4. You must disconnect the future new plants, together with the land to transplant to another location. Yc cut at a length of 10 cm.

That there was no strong attachment to the parent bush sockets, better in about a week to make cuts whiskers.

Using this methodology, a new plant will be able to independently obtain nutrients from the ground through their roots.

To new saplings grow well in a new place, you must create a good environment for them. It is best to put on those places where previously grown: onions, beets, beans.

Not important enough to pick up a bed where a lot of sunlight.

Flower bed should be in advance perekapat, to remove from her all the weeds, fertilize. Immediately prior to planting soil sprinkled with sea sand, carefully thin layer and loosen the soil, making it a recess in order to provide protection from insect pests.

After preparation of the soil, land start whiskers furrow depth of 2.5 cm, as closely as possible to each other seating. 2-3 weeks is necessary to limit the sun's rays, so as not to dry up the plants.

It is advisable to make a canopy over the seedlings, and moisten with water if necessary.

During the growth, not all mustache acclimatized and are the hardiest.

Over the entire period of the beds should be cleaned as overgrowth of weeds, watered and loosen.

By the onset of autumn there are already a large rosette with developed roots that bear abundant fruit.

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