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Preparation, germination and planting dahlia tubers

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Reproduction dahlia tubers produced, which dig in the autumn, just before the frost, and again planted in the spring. During the winter the rhizomes inspected, discarded rotting, adjust the conditions of their detention.

To effectively dahlias bloom all season, preparing the tubers begin to exercise from early spring.

Sorting and processing of tubers for germination

Boxes with rhizomes taken out of the basement for a month before planting in open ground. But they can not just put them in the heat, you must first be placed in a room with a temperature of 5 degrees above the basement and cover with plastic wrap.

After 3 days, the tubers can be stored in the house.

Next, perform the following manipulations:

1. Each spine carefully examine, get rid of too dry and rotten;

2. Wash the planting material;

3. If the damaged area of ​​the tuber small, disinfected knife cut out the rotten parts, sprinkle slices of wood ash;

4. Dried roots.

After drying planting disinfected. For this purpose, it is placed in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour.
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Then large rhizomes cut with a sharp knife on delenki, each of which must be at least one kidney.

Sprouting tubers

For sprouting tubers are planted in boxes or individual pots.

The procedure is as follows:

· Containers filled with sawdust, sand, peat or coconut fiber;

· Tubers spread so that they do not touch each other and the walls of seating containers;

· Top roots with buds should peek out from under the substrate.

Containers for planting put in a warm, bright, well-ventilated place.

The substrate is sprayed with water from a spray bottle. In a few days will begin to break the eggshell sprouts.

If they will grow, shrink, the containers should be moved to a cooler place.

A few days before planting in open ground young plants begin to harden, carrying them for 1-2 hours in the air.

In the southern regions of dahlias can be planted without sprouting, but 1-2 weeks earlier than tubers with sprouts.

The process of planting in open ground

Planting is carried out as follows:

· Dug wells of a depth of about 40 centimeters, and a width (depending on the variety) - 40-80 centimeters;

· At the bottom of each of the landing pit wake dressing consisting of 1 tablespoon of fertilizer, 3-4 tablespoons of wood ash, ⅓ bucket of rotted compost thoroughly mixed with the soil;

· For tall varieties immediately set support;

· Prepared wells were abundantly watered;

· Tubers are planted so that the root collar has recessed no more than 6.4 centimeters;

· Plant mulch;

· If the sprouts are big, they immediately tied up to the anvil.

Caring for dahlias is watering, fertilizing, hoeing, removing weeds. In addition, it is necessary to control the growth of shoots: remove superfluous pinch. On one bush should be less than 3 stems: the fewer, the larger buds dahlia.

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