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Popular types of money tree. What to choose for apartments

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Money Tree, Crassula or - widespread plant of the genus of succulents, which are often found in apartments florist-lovers.

The plant got its name thanks to the thick leaves, reminiscent of shiny coins.

It is believed that jade tree brings the house wealth and riches. Flower unpretentious care, it is easy to transplant and crop.

Popular types

Succulent during rains accumulates a lot of moisture and keeps it. Plants vary in leaf shape, which can be:

· Oval;

· Round;

· Heart;

· Acute or extended.

The most popular types of flowers, cultivated in the home include:

· treeGrowing up to 50 cm in height with proper care. Crohn easily formed, after the age of ten small flowers bloom pink or white.

· lycopsids Crassula It is considered to be a form of bushes. The leaves resemble the spines pointed shape.

Succulent ampelnye type. Ideal for the formation of topiary.

· Oval money tree a roundish leaves sometimes reaches meter height. Almost does not bloom at home.

· Jade Cooper reminiscent of grass, ground cover refers to the version of the plant. Succulent flowering season is considered summer. Small inflorescence pale pink shades have a pleasant odor;

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· The Hobbit. Very interesting flower with fused leaves ending craters.

· spatulate Crassula It has unusual shoots in the form of four-sided figure with a lot of aerial roots. Succulents need abundant and constant watering.

Jade leaves are used in alternative medicine. plant juice is often used to treat diseases of the joints, colds, gastrointestinal ailments.

What plants to choose for apartments

Amateur growers prefer Jade tree form, as these plants require minimal care.

In many homes there are plants with thick stems and beautifully formed crown.

It is believed that the house where the flower grows well and develops, money will definitely come. On the twig taken to suspend the bills or coins to attract wealth.

For those who prefer flowering plants in the house, suitable Crassula Cooper. It will please the owners pleasant aroma and noble species of small inflorescences.

Beautiful hats overgrown plants look spectacular and in a period of rest.

Lovers of the exotic pay attention to unusual kinds of flower - the hobbit, spatulate or lycopsid money tree.


If you properly care for Jade, she will become the mascot of the financial well-being. In the winter, like other succulents, plants should be watered 1-2 times a month.

In the summer, depending on weather, it irrigate every 5-7 days. Watering is best to carry out the evening.

In the warm season of money tree desirable to make the balcony, as the flower loves the fresh air. In winter, the plant placed in a room with a temperature of 10-15 degrees.

At room temperature this time of year the flower may fall off and the leaves wither.

Jade fed throughout the growing season - from May to October. As the supply of any suitable composition, used for succulents.

Money tree destroying odors, promotes air purification from bacteria, reduces tension and stress.

A particularly important feature is considered to be the ability to neutralize the formaldehyde, which are present in many materials for the manufacture of furniture.

All of these factors combine to positively affect human health.

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