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Phlox - the right choice of places and features of planting

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Bright multi-colored phlox - the most popular flowers in the gardens and suburban areas. They decorate their beds lush flowering like a carpet. Phlox genus includes annual and perennial species. Varieties differ in size and flowering periods.

Most gardeners find these flowers undemanding plant. Still, if you want to phlox please you all summer, should take into account the subtleties of care and choice of the landing site.

The choice of location for planting phlox

Choosing the best place for planting these plants, it is necessary to take into account their natural habitat. These flowers are found in temperate regions, in humid areas with an average temperature of about 4 degrees.

A well-chosen site for planting and proper soil, will be the main factors for the successful growth and flowering plants.

If phlox planted in open sunny spot, then grow small bushes and quickly ottsvetut. Excess sunlight is not always favorable to them. Flowers quickly fade and become small.

Ideal for planting are:

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· Shaded areas;

· Among low shrubs and rare trees that can cover them with its shade on a hot day;

· Areas with a slight slope, the excess water will flow, and will not stagnate at the roots;

· Place, protected from drafts and open the wind;

· Places with fertile soils.

First we need to prepare the soil for planting. Phlox is not too demanding on the soil composition. They do not like the acidification of areas.

Ideal if it will srednesuglinistye fertile soil. Ground thoroughly cleaned of weeds and fertilized with a mixture of lime, ash, coarse sand, humus and mineral fertilizers. Flower bed dug a well, breaking up clumps small.

Plants are planted in the holes to a depth of about 30 cm., Which is laid on the bottom drain. A pit filled with water and placed neatly plant roots and straightening prisypaya voids nutrient soil.

Then the root system gently press down to the ground and re-watered. Land should be above the rhizomes to 5cm. If you put too high above the ground, the roots may be affected by adverse weather conditions and be frozen in winter.

Too deep planting threatens the development of two-tiered root system, and then the bush will grow slowly. After shrinkage spiked soil to the roots of the earth layer.

When it is better to plant

Planting is carried out during the growing season. The best time for planting phlox spring, in the first half of May.

In autumn flowers are planted in early September, so they had time to take root before the frost.

Phlox can be transplanted in the summer, only to be cut all the buds to plant all the forces sent to take root.

The roots before planting need to rejuvenate, to do them trimmed and removing unhealthy parts of the plant. Avoid drying rhizomes, otherwise the plant will be a long time to settle down and get sick.

Phlox plant must be a distance between the bushes 50-60 cm., That they are free to develop and grow, the need to consider the size of the planting material and plant variety.

They can grow up to six meters in width. Two or three weeks, you need to make sure that the plant is well rooted and at this time, to constantly maintain soil moisture.

But remember that the plants waterlogging can cause them the development of fungal diseases.

Delicate phlox can decorate any flower bed. With proper planting and proper care, bright festive carpet of phlox will decorate your site entire season, up to the frost.

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