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Rules raspberry crop for beginners

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Pruning raspberries - one of the most important agricultural practices of growing raspberries. From its correct implementation depends on crop yield.

During the season, the procedure is performed 3 times. Consider the raspberry crop rules for the seasons.


Pruning raspberries begin after steady heat comes, but before the start of sap flow. It is executed as follows:

1. Completely cut down to the ground dry, vymerzshie branches. The left stumps can be formed pathogens that then spread to other parts of Plantation

2. Podmerzshie shoots shortened to a healthy kidney.

3. Deleted shoots too thickening landings. Young plants should be no more than 5-8 per bush. They are shortened to a height of 15-25 centimeters.

Their pruning trigger the growth of side shoots, which will give a bountiful harvest in the next season.

Removing unnecessary branches made sharp shears disinfected. Blunt instrument can cause disease bush.


After the harvest is carried out another Trimming follows:

1. Completely to the ground, cut off otplodonosivshie branches. If they leave, they will take away power from the young shoots.

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2. Deleted growth that extends beyond the boundaries of the bush. The root system of unnecessary shoots is cut with a shovel.

3. Cut the young shoots that grow too densely in the bush. The distance between them should be within 10-15 centimeters.

Yellowing leaves and shoots are also to be removed, because they can be sources of diseases.

In the autumn

The procedure is done in the weeks before the anticipated start of the frost-resistant. Held bush inspection to identify the shoots, which must be expose autumn pruning:

· Patients broken branches;

· Too young shoots, which do not survive the winter cold;

· Poorly developed branches.

After the fall pruning raspberry bushes dig around, if necessary - shelter for the winter.

Rules crop of raspberries remontant

Genetically programmed to remontant raspberry harvest yielded 2 times per season. It begins to bear fruit in the first year after planting.

Spring pruning is to remove the old, broken, diseased branches. Podmerzshie trimmed up a healthy part.

In addition, in May of this year, shortened top growth.

Autumn crop of raspberries remontant produced in the second year of life bush. It is performed after the harvest, and complete leaf fall.

Young shoots thus removed completely and large branches are cut to 3-5 cm in height stumps.

Failure to comply with raspberry patch technology may increase low bushes lose their ability to bear fruit twice a year.

Thus, pruning raspberries - an important element in the care of the culture. After the procedure, bushes, mulch rotted manure.

This will serve as a means to retain moisture, fertilizing, protection of soil from winter frosts.

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