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How to determine the cause, if the dried up stalk of orchids, as well as what to do to prevent it?

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One of the difficulties in the cultivation of orchids, is drying plant stem or peduncle. The main task in solving this problem is to identify the causes.

Maybe for the flower improper care drying provoked him, maybe he's just old. In any case, the reason must be disassembled in more detail.

Stem orchid may dry in 2 cases:

1. Since the plant is a natural process of aging - the age of the flower can be identified by the color of his green mass. Already in the 3-4 year life, orchid leaves lose their brightness, while the stem gradually turn yellow and eventually dry up.

After a long flowering stems can also turn yellow and wither.

Here it is necessary to track, stalk may not fully turned yellow orchid and is preparing to release the lateral stems.

Therefore, cut the stalk or not, is a personal matter for each grower.

2. Improper care of the flower - There are several common causes of plant diseases, to be brought to their attention in the first place.

Reasons flower disease and methods of treatment:

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· Root system parasites and fungi - plants need a transplant into another container;

· Chemical burns - to pay attention to feeding, it is carried out may incorrectly;

· Excessive lighting - absolutely can not put a flower in direct sunlight;

· Lack of an overabundance of moisture and - equally harmful for orchids.

Finding at least one flaw in the care, you need to immediately remove it in order to avoid the death of the plant.

Orchid to feel comfortable, you need to constantly carry out preventive measures for it.

Preventive measures to prevent drying of the stem are not complicated in execution. The main thing is regularly devote some time to their timely implementation.

Only in this case, the orchid will long to please his great fabulous flowering.

Preventive measures:

· Irrigation - must be moderate. When an excess of watering the leaves and stem of the plant will turn yellow, the roots rot. Abundant watering needs a flower only during active flowering. Drought can also bring discomfort to the plant;

· Temperature - optimum temperature for orchid - + 18 + 27, at night it should not fall to 13;

· Humidity - 65-75% - humidity rate. The hottest time of year we should not forget to spray the flower 2-3 times a day;

· Lighting - orchid likes diffuse light, so the duration of daylight should be close to 13 hours.

All care rules for the orchid should be considered mandatory.

If violated at least one full life of the plant is simply not possible.

Cause drying of the stem it is imperative to identify. If this is done in a timely manner, orchid can be saved and later its cultivation to avoid similar mistakes.

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