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What is Verbena officinalis and how to grow it on my site?

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Verbena officinalis is widely used in folk medicine. All parts of the plant are therapeutic because they contain a large number of nutrients. They treat gastrointestinal diseases, liver diseases, the common cold, headache, clean vessels and used to strengthen the immune system. Grow at home verbena is easy: it is used method of seed and cuttings.

Growing seeds

To begin sowing in late February. To do this, follow these steps:

1. The substrate of peat and sand is calcined in an oven to rid it of various pathogens and larvae;

2. The soil mixture was poured into a prepared container, which should be pierced drainage holes;

3. Seeds are arranged on a surface, and lightly pressed into the soil;

4. To create hothouse conditions for container covered with foil;

5. When will the shoots, remove the cover, put the box on a well-lit place;

6. Seedlings are watered with an atomizer;

7. When the shoots grow on 2 pairs of real (not cotyledonary) leaves, they are transplanted into individual containers;

8. To plant branches well, when they reach 10 centimeters of the top pinch.

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Seedlings and hardened when the threat of frost has passed, planted in open ground at a distance of 25 centimeters from the well hole.

Verbena prefers well-lit areas with fertile soil.


Performed the procedure in autumn. It is executed as follows:

· Shrub verbena dug, laid on the storage in the basement;

· Spring shanks are cut from it, which must be at least 4 interstices;

· Apical shoots dipped into crushed charcoal, then deepened into a mixture of sand and peat in one kidney;

· Container covered with foil;

· Begin to appear when the young shoots, cover removed.

Are planted in open ground rooted cuttings by analogy with seedlings grown from seed.

Collection and storage of seeds

you can collect seed yourself. This is done at a time when the seedpods take on a brown color.

They are dried, remove the seeds. Are saving seed, germination is maintained for 3-5 years, in canvas bags.

Verbena officinalis - not just a garden decoration, but also a plant, benefiting its owners: it is able to cure a variety of diseases and disorders.

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