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Begonias bloomed: what to do next?

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Begonia belongs to the family Begoniaceae. Science knows a large number of its varieties. Accordingly, there are several classifications of begonias.

For example, deciduous and decorative and flowering. That last is particularly popular with gardeners.

Factors and conditions of flowering

Begonia, depending on the type of flowers in large or small flowers, terry or smooth.

But the flowering process depends on a whole set of conditions:

grade. Terry varieties tend to bloom significantly less time than usual.

care Properly. Profusion and duration of flowering begonias is directly dependent on the quality of care, by which is meant the frequency of watering, feeding, spraying; providing the required amount of light, as well as the creation of the necessary composition of the soil.

dilution method. If begonias grown in open ground, then bloom will last a few months.

But some types of begonias for the transplant into a pot with the indoor environment in bloom until the spring.

The root system

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. Begonias with normal root system can bloom all year round. Tuberous species - only from May to October.

activation period of growth. If you start to stimulate the plant to be awakened at the end of the last of the winter months, it can bloom as early as the end of spring.

Actions grower after termination of flowering: general rules

1. Withered flower immediately removed by shearing or twisting. Thus, the plant saves power for the development of other buds.

2. When the cross-pollination of flowers and fruits of education should be only a few left. From ripened in a box seeds can then be planted begonia.

Actions grower after cessation of flowering tuberous species

1. Reducing watering.

2. Trim the leaves, shoots.

3. Reduction of light (the plant is placed in a dark place).

4. Digging tubers out of the ground after drying-ground plant parts.

5. Observation of tubers, their trim and carbon powder in the case of detection of rot.

6. Packing tubers in the package definition for storage in a cool place.

Actions grower after termination of flowering: common species

1. Reducing watering from November.

2. Termination of fertilization.

3. Trim the leaves.

4. Conduct frequent spraying (but not plants, and air).

5. Reduction of light and temperature (determination of plants in a dark place).

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