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Guarantee of high yield. How pepper Soak the seeds in the juice of aloe?

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Pepper seeds are distinguished by the fact that in many cases, without prior treatment, give a fairly poor germination. But there is an effective tool that can solve this problem.

To increase the germination of seeds and get a rich harvest of pepper, before sowing is helpful to soak the seeds in the juice of aloe.

What are the benefits of this method?

Agave juice - a natural, environmentally friendly growth stimulant seeds. It has disinfectant properties, improves metabolic processes and promotes excellent germination.

If we make a pepper seed soaking process in the juice of the plant before planting, you can obtain the following results:

· The seeds will germinate much faster, and the seedlings are uniform;

· Due to the improvement of metabolic processes, the sprouts will be strong and healthy;

· Fruits peppers ripen earlier than when sowing seeds raw.

How to prepare a solution for soaking

suitable aloe leaves, which are not less than three years to stimulate seed growth. It is best suited for this purpose, the lower leaves.

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It is important that they were healthy and had no visual defects.

Cut off the leaves should be well washed, then wrapped in a cloth and place in the refrigerator for a week. During this time, they insist, and they are activated nutrients.

After a week the leaves should be crushed using a meat grinder or blender.

Mush to put in cheesecloth and wring out thoroughly. The resulting juice is mixed with an equal amount of clean water.

The process of soaking

For a positive result, it is important to carry out the procedure of soaking seeds before sowing. Take the cloth or gauze cut and fold in several layers.

Then gently spread it on pepper seeds and cover with top of the same piece of material.

Move the cloth on a small plate and pour the juice of aloe, so that the amount of seed was half full.

It is important to bear in mind that only a warm aloe juice (30-35 degrees) is used for soaking, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.

Place a container with a seed for 12-18 hours in the dark and warm.

During the soaking is necessary to periodically mix the seeds and test them hydrated. When the seeds swell enough, landing can be carried out.

Soak the seeds in pepper juice of agave - a budget and effective way to get a good harvest.

Carry out this procedure alone does not make the big work, the main thing - to adhere to the instructions, and then the result is sure to please.

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