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When planting seedlings asters

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Asters - Flowers favorite of many gardeners. They are delicate, have a variety of colors, nekaprizny in nursing.

To be able to admire them as soon as possible, apply agricultural practices such as planting the seeds for seedlings. When you need to start this process? About this later in the article.

In what month to plant the seeds, independent of ripening varieties, as well as the climate of the region.

The warmer it is, the earlier start to seeding. The recommended time - the end of March - beginning of April.

The procedure is performed as follows:

· Seeds are soaked in the solution growth accelerator, wrapping them in a piece of cotton material;

· Fabricated substrate, consisting of garden soil, sand, humus;

· At the bottom of the planting box poured drainage from the expanded clay or pebbles;

· Then poured prepared substrate;

· Spread on top of the seeds, spread them evenly over the soil surface;

· Crops gently irrigate with water from a spray;

· Mulch small (0.5 cm) layer of peat or sand.

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The box is covered with a film, is set in a bright, warm room. Every day the container is ventilated, the soil is sprayed with water when necessary.

After 5-7 days the seedlings appear. When they formed 2 of this leaf, seedlings transplanted into individual containers (plastic cups or peat, small pots).

After about 2 weeks the young plants need to fertilize with chemical fertilizers, the main components of which are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Before landing a permanent place of seedlings to feed 2-3 times, alternating the root fertilizing with sprinkles on the leaves.

Gradually the young asters take out into the fresh air for hardening. At first, for 15 minutes, then the time every day to increase.

Became strong, hardened plants are planted in open ground, when they are formed of at least 5-7 leaves.

Stem asters this time reaches a height of 6-8 cm. Planting should be done at night or during the day in cloudy weather.

On each package of seeds is usually prescribed the recommended sowing months. As well as indicated by when ripening relates a particular grade of asters.

After analyzing the information, taking into account the climatic region in which he lives, as well as pocherpnuv knowledge from this article, grower can determine what month it is necessary to plant asters that they have pleased him with its bright blooms as possible earlier.

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