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Stabilized flowers - a new trend of floristry and a welcome gift for the New Year

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It is necessary to give the gift, and the usual flowers seem too commonplace? - a decision that is. Stabilized colors are a combination of fresh, bright interior decoration and naturalness.

Alternative living color

Modern art design is not in place, resulting in a person's life appear all the more unique and attractive composition.

So, today, is gaining widespread popularity of the use of preserved flowers.

Artificial flowers designed and used for a long time, but the stable version has many more advantages, such as:

· Unique appearance;

· Saturation texture;

· Bright composition;

· A sense of vivacity colors;

The man who first saw such beauty, it seems that it is a living plant that has just been foiled.

The secret to the realism of the composition at that - that this is a living plant, which has passed a special technical processing.

In addition to the advantages of stabilizing color of artificial modern species can compete with natural flowers.

The main drawback of these colors - demand constant care. In addition, if it is not a houseplant, plucked the flowers begin to fade after a few days.

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Their only advantage - it is the smell of flowers.

creating technology

As mentioned earlier, conventional live plants are used to create preserved flowers.

After creating the design structure, the plant is placed in a special glass vacuum flask, previously pumped into the special structure of the flower structure.

Phase-in substances allows to keep a constant and lively view of the plant for at least three years.

This solution can significantly extend the life of flowers, without losing its freshness and intensity. Furthermore, the product does not require water and sauce extra care.

As there is no need to worry about that flower is in the warm conditions and under the sun - this is not necessary.

According to its characteristics, stable colors are identical artificial.

Stabilized flowers - a fast growing fashion trend and a great gift that can largely exceed the usual live plants.

Especially pleasant to give a gift for the new year or any other cold weather, when a person can not truly appreciate the beauty of summer and the bright colors.

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