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How to make anthurium (Men happiness) beautiful blossom

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Anturium or otherwise "male happiness", is a tropical plant blooms only those conditions which are as close to natural habitat.

It has bright colors and exotic shapes. However, the plant is considered to be moody. The reason, again in its original habitat.

There are times when you pay more attention to the plant, but it ceases to bloom. What to do in such cases?

Before looking for the answer to this question, we should find out possible errors in growing Anthurium and evaluate the conditions that have been created for the plant.

when grown errors

· The plant is exposed to direct sunlight.

· Wrong watering either overflowing or Nedolya.

· Wrong choice of soil. Most likely, you chose waterproof, that is too dense soil.

In this case, the plant receives very little moisture, even though, as you water as often.

· The reason may also be that you are missing a transplant and fertilizer plants.

All plants require the presence of nutrients, but especially Anthurium, because as mentioned above, it is quite whimsical flower.

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· Indoor air is too dry. The plant in this case would miss humidity.

· Anthurium planted in too big a pot.

· The reason may also be that you fail to remove the dried part of the "men's happiness."

· Perhaps pests struck anthurium, it is not surprising that it may cease to bloom.

It would seem that an error relating to the care of each plant, and it is possible to calculate that anthurium undemanding plant, but, if in the care of "male happiness" will not be carried out certain actions, you can not expect an abundant flowering and rapid growth.

How to make anthurium bloom?

1. Pay attention to what level of lighting in your room or the room.

Since the anthurium bloom begins in the spring when daylight hours only just beginning to lengthen, the plant simply can not be enough light.

Make sure that during the day at the plant fell enough light. But do not forget that direct sunlight only harm.

2. The temperature should not exceed 17 degrees Celsius in winter, summer 28 degrees Celsius.

3. Watering should be abundant, to take boiled, warm, soft water. Watering should be when the soil is dry out after the previous times.

Suffice it to adhere to the periodicity in two days.

4. At a time when your plant is actively growing, it is necessary to once every two weeks to feed anthurium fertilizer.

5. To anthurium bloomed well, should ensure breathability soil.

6. If the buds have faded, they should be cut in time, as they begin to develop seeds, which is not quite good for anthurium.

Adhering to all the tips outlined above, you will achieve that your anthurium always bloomed beautifully.

But remember, the plant is poisonous, and if it gets the juice on the skin can be unpleasant consequences.

So try to take care of him with gloves. We hope that your flower will please you always.

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