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Why do leaves turn yellow and die in euharis. We solve the problem correctly

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Euharis, otherwise also called "Amazon Lily" - all year decorates the interior of the room, happy for all its greenery. The birthplace of the beautiful plants in South America.

It loves heat and light. Looks very nice, and inspires all with the aroma.

But it becomes very frustrating when you see that the favorite flower begins to fade, the leaves turn yellow, and then completely die out. What to do then?


· Watering hard water;

·-Dried soil;

· Abundant watering, if the apartment is very cool;

· Natural causes. For example, aging. In this case, turn yellow and die off the lower leaves. It is quite normal to lose a couple of sheets per year;

· Seasonal reset leaves;

· The lack of fertilizer or glut;

· The lack of light or its overabundance.

What to do?

If the reason is incorrect watering, and this is the most common problem, the bulbs rot can occur in a short time.

Due to the process of rotting leaves turn yellow or die. Then you need to inspect the bottom of the bulb for the presence of dark spots, soaked roots, soft area.

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If these signs are clear, urgent need to intervene. Knife to cut a rotten lot, treated with activated charcoal, the bulbs dry thoroughly.

From the ground to do well. Euharis transplanted into a pot smaller. Thus, at the bottom of the pot, the moisture will not accumulate.

At the right time to feed euharis starting with a weak solution concentration. But before fertilizer should moisten the soil. If the air is dry, should be periodically sprayed euharis.

The plant also need to move into a lighted place, but avoid direct sunlight.

If the leaves turn yellow at the edges only (slightly), the cause is either in the soil drying out, or in its overflow. The problem of dryness, then try to moisten the tips of the leaves often.

The problem in high humidity, then reduce watering, or do not do to complete drying of the soil.

What is the reason, even if new leaves turn yellow?

In any case, the reason of abundant moisture. Starts rotting bulbs, it is, in turn, no longer absorb all the necessary nutrients to it.

By following all the tips outlined above, you will be able to enjoy the beauty of long euharis or Amazonian lily.

And not only that, you also save her health and avoid many of the effects and headache.

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