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Why dries dieffenbachia. The main causes and how to save plant

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Many flower collection has dieffenbachia. Florists love it for its decorative leaves and stems. But the beauty of the plants may be lost due to drying and folding leaves.

What to do, how to save the plant? About it and talk.

Causes of dry leaves

There are several main reasons for drying leaves dieffenbachia:

· Improper care

This extensive reason includes several factors. Dieffenbachia - a tropical plant, so needs regular watering and spraying.

If this is not enough, the leaves begin to dry and curl. Insufficient light may also be the cause of this trouble.

This is typical for office space, where dieffenbachia is away from the window.

· Diseases and pests

This reason is the second most common. Diseases can be different: the fungus, bacterial infection.

Among the pests often occur: spider mites, aphids, mealybug.

· The size of the pot

It is also a cause of the yellowing leaves. Dieffenbachia root system needs open space, so it is grown in volume pots.

If the pot is small, the lower leaves begin to dry up.

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· The poor soil and lack of nutrients

Dieffenbachia growing rapidly, drawing from the soil all the nutrients.

If you do not feed, the plant begins to wither, leaves curl and dry.

Poor soil, the pot size and maintenance easy to correct, but to pests and diseases will be much more difficult to handle.


Before you start to treat the plant, it is necessary to find out the cause of dry leaves. If it is clear that a small pot, it must be replaced no more roomy and wait a bit.

If the plant starts to recover, then no further action is needed.

If it is not in the pot, it is necessary to analyze care. Is it right to water the plants, if it grabs sunlight, etc. If there are violations, they must be corrected.

It is also necessary to carefully inspect plants for the presence of pests.

If there are small insects, spider webs or waste products, we can say with certainty that the cause of the yellowing leaves associated with pests.

If you did not find any reasons for yellowing and dry leaves, dieffenbachia, simply to feed or change the soil thoroughly.

If the time to address the problem, the plant can be saved as dieffenbachia has great vitality.

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