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Maidenhair: beautiful fern grow properly

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Maidenhair - fern with beautiful openwork foliage. To keep it in this condition, Florist need to make some effort.

Consider how to cultivate the arts and deciduous shrub in the home.


The root system of fern surface, so the pot must be shallow, with the presence of drainage holes. The substrate is composed of peat moss, sand, perlite, tree bark charcoal.

It should be slightly acidic reaction, be water- and air-permeable.

The plant is planted in such a way that the root collar was not recessed deep into the substrate.

Transplantation can be used for plant propagation by cutting a few roots to shoots.

The temperature and lighting

Maidenhair prefers cool content. The optimum temperature at which it will develop well - 15-22 ° C. Fern shade-requiring, so he needs to choose a place on the windowsill north or east orientation.

After contact with the foliage of the rays of the sun, it loses brightness, burn may turn yellow, wither.


Like all ferns, maidenhair loves watering. In the summer, it should be frequent, 2-3 times a week defended water.

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Its surplus in 10-15 minutes, pour out from the tray: prolonged exposure of the roots can lead to their death in the moisture.

From October to March 1 plants watered once a week.


dryness of the air in the room is often the biggest obstacle for the active fern growth. Signs of trouble are the dry leaves.

This is especially important in winter, when the heating battery air dried. A good solution is to spray maidenhair, and the air around it.

Next to the plant can be arranged container filled with water.


Maidenhair need soiling during active growth, i.e. from spring to autumn 1 every 2 weeks.

The solution is introduced into the 2-fold lower concentration than to other ornamental plants. Winter feeding does not produce.


If the air is too dry fern can spider mite attack. On the leaves appears cobwebs, they begin to turn yellow and fall off.

To get rid of insect maidenhair should be thoroughly washed under the shower. With the defeat aphids plants are sprayed fitoverm.

Though maidenhair and not the easiest to grow a flower, but its delicate green is worth it to spend a little time and effort to create the conditions necessary for it.

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