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Subtleties growing Gardenia. Tips for beginners

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Gardenia -ekzoticheskoe tropical plant that can be grown at home. It demands a lot of attention and special care other than capricious gardenia enchants with its fascinating composition of wax bright green leaves and white blossoms.

Fragrant flower scent reminiscent of jasmine.

For the successful growth and flowering whimsical beauty is necessary to create favorable conditions.

One of the main conditions is the lighting. Abundant flowering depends on the amount of light getting to the plant light is needed around the clock. In this case, exposure to direct sunlight will harm the plant, as well as drafts.

The best place for the flower western or eastern side sill arrangement.

Temperature in summer and winter times must be different. In summer time the temperature should not exceed above 22-23 ° C, allowed to flower stem balcony, balcony.

In winter, in order not to cause harm to the plant high temperature at which the branches can begin growth and the thus harm the formation of buds, temperature 15-17 ° C is most favorable.

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It is necessary to create an atmosphere of moist air subtropics. Spraying leaves without affecting the buds and flowers, or install an aquarium or sump with water from the nearby location of the plant will give the most favorable climate for the bush.

The main attention should be paid to compliance and water balance. In autumn and spring months watering produce in 2-3 days, in the cold, winter months once a week will be enough.

Watering is necessary to use warm, purified water, rainwater can be defended.

The tropical climate of having their mail acidic environment is also necessary for the growth of plants at home.

To create an environment to help the lemon juice, a few drops per liter of water will be sufficient to acidify the soil.

Vital and special complex fertilizers for regular fertilizing plants.

Special feeding for flowering houseplants in the form of liquid fertilizers must be applied to the soil in flowering periods and active flower growth.

Sometimes a careful examination of the plants you can see the resulting web, in terms of dark color or curl the sheets.

All this is happening at the plant the appearance of pests, to deal with them is necessary to use special drugs, according to the recommendations of the preparation instructions.

Another important secret for growing ornamental shrubs it is timely and periodic pruning. Pruning of dead flowers and foliage will be thickened to give the plant a beautiful splendor of the crown.

And so keeping data requirements for a beautiful tropical flower care can achieve successful growth and flowering shrubs.

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