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All the subtleties of care achimenes at home

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Achimenes - relatives of the famous violet and gloxinia, Episcia and other plants of the family Gesneriaceae.

Consider the subtleties of care, resulting in achimenes will please its funnel-shaped flowers from spring to mid-autumn.

where to place

Achimenes will be actively developed at the well-lit window sill all sides of the room, except for the north. Bright sun rays he does not like, so on a hot afternoon pritenyayut window.

Bush in summer will be good to increase the leaves and flowers with the content on the veranda or loggia, being suspended in pots.


In the spring-summer period achimenes preferably kept at a temperature ranging from 20 to 25 ° C, its fall gradually lowered to 15 ° C. In winter, in a rest period, the plant sufficiently t = 12 ° C.

Watering and humidity

The natural growth conditions achimenes always moist air. Therefore, in the content of the home he needs to provide the appropriate conditions.

But it is better not to spray the plant itself and the air surrounding it. Also increase the humidity setting a flower in a pan with wet small stones.

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Watering during the growing season should be plentiful in the fall - less in winter - almost stopped.

Suffice it to a period of rest only lightly moisten the earth, not allowing it to dry completely.

Do I need a dressing

Most plants need fertilizing, achimenes - is no exception, because it needs a lot of energy for a long flowering.

40-45 days after planting shrub they begin to feed with a periodicity of 1 times in 7-10 days.

The fertilizer complex is chosen for the decorative flowering plants.

Care in a period of rest

Achimenes leave to rest for at least 4 months. At this time, shoots, leaves and flowers are gradually dying out.

But they can not be cut immediately, as tubers (rhizomes) continue to power, including through the vegetative mass.

For a period of rest plant put in a cool, dark place (glazed balcony, balcony, patio).

Yield from quiescence

To achimenes came out of dormancy, it is enough to move to a warm, bright room. If, nevertheless, it is not long awakens, it can be poured with very warm water (t of about 50 ° C).

Achimenes is valuable because it is long and beautiful blooms. This makes it a desirable plant in homes and apartments florist.

Subject to the rules of care it will be one of the main summer decorations indoor and outdoor terraces, patios, verandas.

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