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How to transplant Geranium home during the cold season. process Features

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Geranium popular flower that attracted the attention of many people. He has an unusual color and appeal. The plant has a pleasant aroma.

Geranium is associated with warmth, comfort and joy. Much like a flower, because it does not require complicated to itself attention.

In the cold season, geranium require more care. But this can handle anyone.

Summer geranium blooms, respectively, at this time of the year it is best not to touch. It is best to repot the plant in late winter, autumn or spring.

It was during this period of geraniums quickly adapt to a new habitat. soil choice: it is important to pick the perfect geranium ground.

You can take a standard land for house plants, to add to the perlite and sand from the river. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.

Or you can buy in a special store soil for geranium.

Features transplant process

· The new pot necessarily sterilized solution;

· If there are no holes in the bottom of the pot, to make them;

· The bottom of the cover drainage. It includes rocks, remnants of broken bricks, polystyrene, and so forth;

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· Do not pull the stem gently removed from the last place with a clod of earth geranium.

Be sure to check for the presence of root rot. If it has, the rot must be cut;

· Place the geraniums in the new pot, filling the voids of a new soil. Top fill a new layer;

· Pour the flower and put in neosvetlonnoe place for a few days. After 7 - 8 days, should be changed to a location geranium lighted place.

care Features

1. Once on the street cold, geraniums need to move to a cooler place than where it was in the summer. The ideal temperature for it is considered from 10 to 15 degrees.

It is important drafts for geranium dangerous.

2. Because of its origin, geranium require bright light. Otherwise, it will cease to bloom, leaves decrease.

3. Regular care. Watering the geraniums in winter need only 1 time per week. If you increase the number of irrigations, the stagnation of water will lead to death.

4. Trimming. Need is to plant continued to have a nice view. Pruning should be done at the beginning of the cold weather.

Geranium really undemanding plant, but care for her all the same need to please with the flower blooms and served for many years.

For this you need a competent care and attention.

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