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How to care for Saintpaulia (violet), so that it bloomed magnificently

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For a long time in the garden began to grow violets. Soon they began to please the eye and in the rooms. Violet - a beautiful flower with velvety leaves.

And if a lot of violets, and they all bloom together - it's a wonderful sight. It is only by looking at the flower, you become its devoted fan.

If you care for them properly, they will bloom throughout the year, and will be different for its abundance of lush flowers.

The reasons because of which stops Saintpaulia bloom

· Direct sunlight is harmful to violet.

· The hot air due to heat.

· Does not like spraying.

· Drafts.

· No loose soil in the pot.

· Nutritional deficiencies or oversupply may also affect the quality of flowering violet flowers.

· Pests. That they are not bred on the plant should be repotted senpoliy once every three years or every year (depending on the situation).

· Wrong temperature in the room.

· It has been 3 years and no longer violet blossom. To solve this problem is possible only with the help of the transplant plants.

Care violet

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1. Pick up the container, which will be ideally suited to the plant. To suit violet pots in three sizes: 9x9, 7h7,5h5.

Pots should be either made of plastic or ceramic.

2. Drainage for the violets is imperative.

3. Ideal for violet ground. These include loose soil which consists of garden soil and sand (ratio 2: 1). Sterilized before filling the pot.

The soil mixture was prepared for violet, must be breathable and must retain moisture.

4. It should be well lit, but should be limited to direct sunlight, as they can be left on the leaves of violets burns.

5. Saintpaulia ideal temperature for from 20 to 22 degrees Celsius.

6. Moisten the flower in two ways. The first - is to pour into the water tank and 30 minutes to lower the pot.

The second method is carried out by gently watering flower top.

7. To feed required nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

8. Fertilizers should be applied once a month.

9. It is necessary to remove all dead leaves. To the lush buds have a bright color, it is possible to water the flowers with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Subject to all rules of care Violet will serve as a wonderful decoration and pleasing to the eye all year round.

In addition, they will give warmth and comfort, as well as create a wonderful atmosphere in the room or in the garden.

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