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What indoor plants can feed the wood ashes, and what is not necessary. And how to do it

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Wood ash - one of the cheapest and mineral fertilizers. But not for all indoor plants is equally good. In some cases, the ash can do more harm than good.

This article will try to understand how plants it is suitable and which are not.

What should be the ashes

Ash for fertilizing indoor plants should be prepared only from wood residues. During furnace firebox in it must not be present plastic, polyethylene, and other household waste.

Better ash can be done by specially burn wood for this purpose.

To get a good composition, you need to know what minerals are in some form or other timber.

· Deciduous trees contain more calcium and magnesium.

· Sawn ash is rich in phosphorus and iodine, zinc.

· The peat ash contains a lot of lime.

· Herbal residues are rich in potassium, sodium.

Total ash contains more than 30 chemical elements and minerals.

To get the best ash can burn different kinds of plants.

How houseplants ash is harmful

The main property of the ash - alkalization of soil. That is, when making this fertilizer the soil becomes neutral or slightly alkaline.

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It is without doubt harmful to those plants that like acidic or slightly acidic soil.

Acidic soil plants like bromeliads family, many species of hydrangeas, azaleas, calla lilies, gardenias.

These colors ash would damage as a result of which the plant may die.

Slightly acidic soil like orchids, violets, amaryllis, dieffenbachia, dracaena. These plants can be fed with ash, but very rarely (less than 1 time per year). Only for minerals.

How houseplants ash helpful

Ash will benefit those plants that prefer neutral or slightly alkaline soil.

This category includes most indoor plants, other than those described above.

These flowers can be fed wood ash 2-3 times a year. It is especially useful during the growing season for plants with large flowers.

This fertilizer will help increase the number and duration of flowering buds.

Potted flowers are very diverse. To avoid mistakes, the ash is useful or harmful, it is necessary to know on what soil the plant is growing in the wild.

If the flower grows on neutral or alkaline soils, it is safe to use wood ash.

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