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How to propagate the dollar tree leaf. The subtleties of the process

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Zamioculcas - the only member of the family Araceae. The people is called "dollar tree", which received a large dark green leaves, which are associated with dollars.

Homeland of the plant steppes and deserts of Africa, where they feel great, thanks to thick rhizome.

Propagated Zamioculcas in various ways, but in this article let's talk about propagation sheet.

Preparatory work

Before you start breeding, you need to prepare some things:

· Sharp knife, which must be disinfected.

· Growth stimulators of the root system (or suit Zircon Kornevin).

· Container with nutrient soil.

· The film or glass to create a greenhouse effect.

When you're done, you can proceed to reproduce.

The process of reproduction

Cultivation Zamioculcas of sheet - simple activity even for the novice grower.

For reproduction is better to choose large dark green leaves with no signs of damage. Disinfected sharp knife needed to cut the sheet with the handle (so it's faster to take root).

Place the cut is slightly dry and treat a stimulant for rooting or activated carbon.
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Thereafter, the cut sheet should be put in the container with moist nutrient soil at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other.

The container is delayed film or covered with glass to create a greenhouse effect.

Glass is preferable to use, as it will need to raise daily for ventilation.

Place the container to choose a bright and warm, but not in direct sunlight. As the drying, the soil should be lightly moisturize with an atomizer.

Zamioculcas transplanted to a permanent place can be when there is a small piece of paper on the tuber.

The process of forming a long, sometimes reaches up to 2 months. The fact that the first forms tuber, and then grows green mass.

For landing on a constant need to prepare a rather narrow pots with drainage and light loose soil. Leaf gently dug with tubers and transplanted to a permanent place.

Sprouts Zamioculcas dense, so you can not be afraid to damage them.

method of reproduction dollar tree leaf - very long. But you can speed it up by cutting more than one sheet, and at once a runaway. In this case, the rooting process can take as little as a couple of weeks.

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