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Step by step recipe for garlic water for orchids. Features of the application

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Useful properties of garlic may be useful not only people, but also plants.

Particularly favorable effect has garlic to water orchids, helping them to become even more beautiful and healthy.

Beneficial features

Garlic water - a tincture prepared from garlic cloves, so it has the useful properties:

· Eliminates small parasites that can live in the soil or on the plant;

· Detoxifies the soil in the pot, destroying harmful bacteria;

· Fights fungal infections;

· Saturates plant nutrients;

After application of garlic water, orchid is much better looking.

How to cook

Garlic water is prepared very easy to handle even the novice grower.

There are two types of preparation: infusion and decoction.

To prepare the tincture, you must take 150 grams of garlic, crush them, or chop. A two-liter jar pour defend the water, to pour the garlic.

The resulting mixture was put into the dark place for storage. After 3 days, the infusion and used for watering plants.

If an urgent need to prepare a small amount of garlic water, you need to take 2 chopped cloves of garlic and pour them a glass of hot water. Cool in a natural way and can be used.

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According to the number of useful properties, tincture prepared a long way, of course, wins.

Important! When storing the tincture in the fridge you need to close the lid tightly, because then it will be difficult to get rid of the garlic smell.

How to apply

If tincture prepared by the first method, when watering orchids, it should be diluted 1/5. When using the second method to dissolve sufficiently 1/2.

Important! If liquor was stored in the refrigerator, it is necessary in advance to get it to become room temperature. Watering the orchid ice water can not be, since it can be lost!

To decontaminate the land and feed the plant should be watered hilar way: neatly shifts the leaves and pour a thin stream of water directly under the root.

To destroy pests and infectious diseases at the most orchids, it is necessary to spray.

To this solution is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed around the flower.

Garlic water - very useful for orchids, and has virtually no side effects.

In addition, this folk remedy is inexpensive, compared with stores preparations for plants.

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